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      An Alternative War: The Development, Impact, and Legality of Hybrid Warfare Conducted by the Nation State

      Journal of Global Faultlines
      Pluto Journals


            The alleged use of “Hybrid Warfare” by the Russian Federation in the annexation of the Ukrainian territory, Crimea, in 2014, thrust the term into the media spotlight and raised concerns over the lack of effective measures available to counter its use. This article investigates the use, development, impact, and legality of state-directed “Hybrid Warfare” campaigns. The first section of which examines the use and relevance of military force and strategy in the conduct of such a campaign, with further sections focusing on the importance and integral nature of information, disinformation, and cyber capabilities, along with the resulting legal implications contemporary conflict faces. Hybrid strategy, capability, and doctrine will not replace traditional interstate maneuver warfare or the utilization of irregular modes of conflict. However, it does provide regional powers with a unique ability to insidiously challenge hegemonic or greater powers in such a way that better economizes their own capabilities and strategic assets.


            Author and article information

            Journal of Global Faultlines
            Pluto Journals
            1 December 2018
            : 5
            : 1-2 ( doiID: 10.13169/jglobfaul.5.issue-1-2 )
            : 58-82
            Birmingham City University, UK. E-mail: Jack.Brown2@ 123456mail.bcu.ac.uk .
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