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      On the use of force

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      Journal of Global Faultlines
      Pluto Journals


            The use of force by the state through its security services has been the topic of much debate, especially in recent years after the Black Lives Matter movement highlighted and protested against the treatment of black people by police officers. The state's use of force through the police and through military campaigns is closely examined and assessed in relation to both the treatment of ethnic minorities in the UK, and to the treatment of civilians by the US–UK coalition in the Middle East as part of the War on Terror. The violation of human rights, despite the principles, rules and laws already in place to protect them, is explored by examining the use of the prone position at home, and the tactic of airstrikes, the use of prohibited weapons and the treatment of detainees by UK forces abroad.


            Author and article information

            Journal of Global Faultlines
            Pluto Journals
            1 May 2021
            : 8
            : 1 ( doiID: 10.13169/jglobfaul.8.issue-1 )
            : 9-22
            Dr Lily Hamourtziadou is Senior Lecturer in Criminology, Policing and Security Studies at Birmingham City University. She is also the principal researcher and analyst of NGO Iraq Body Count and author of Body Count; The War on Terror and Civilian Deaths in Iraq.
            Saffron Headech is studying Criminology and Policing at Birmingham City University.
            Jonathan Jackson is Senior Teaching Fellow in Criminology and Policing at Birmingham City University.
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            Social & Behavioral Sciences


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