Migration and Racist State Violence: Introduction 5
Monish Bhatia and Ronit Lentin
From Exception to Extra-Legal Normality: Pushbacks and Racist State Violence against People Crossing the Greek-Turkish Land Border 12
Lena Karamanidou and Bernd Kasparek
Immigration Raids and Racist State Violence 33
Monish Bhatia and Jon Burnett
Spaces of Racialization: Ireland’s Direct Provision Asylum Centres as Sites of Racialized State Violence 52
Ronit Lentin
On the Death of Mame Mbaye: Racialism as the Ultimate Goal in the “Battle against Irregular Immigration” 70
Barak Kalir
The (In)visibility of Racialized Border Violence? A Ukrainian Killed in Lisbon Airport 90
Júlia Garraio, Olga Solovova and Sofia José Santos
Mobility and Post-Socialism: Cross-Border Shaming and Un-Belonging in a White Europe 110
Corina Tulbure
Making Their Lives Miserable: Structural Violence and State Racism Towards Asylum Seekers from Sudan and Eritrea in Israel 128
Maayan Ravid
Book reviews
L. Cowan, Border Nation: A Story of Migration, reviewed by Ellen Van Damme 149
N. Sharma, Home Rule: National Sovereignty and the Separation of Natives and Migrants, reviewed by Hanno Brankamp 152
H. Walia, Border and Rule: Global Migration, Capitalism, and the Rise of Racist Nationalism, reviewed by Anne Mulhull 156
T. J. Coles, Capitalism and Coronavirus: How Institutionalized Greed Turned a Crisis into a Catastrophe, reviewed by Raymond Michalowski 161
Notes on contributors 164