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      Addressing Historic Injustice in Russia: The Case of Child Victims of Political Repression



            Russia is still dealing with the legacy of widespread Soviet oppression. An important Rehabilitation Law adopted in 1991 established a compensation system for victims of state repression, including a right to housing in their families' pre-exile place of residence. However, the practical realization of these rights has been problematic, particularly following amendment to the 1991 Law in 2004. There is a cohort of elderly victims who as children were exiled with their parents. Three of these unsuccessfully brought claims for their promised housing and eventually appealed to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. In December 2019, the Court issued a landmark ruling supporting the claimants. Here we explain the historical context and contemporary significance of this important constitutional case.


            Author and article information

            State Crime Journal
            Pluto Journals
            1 January 2021
            : 9
            : 2 ( doiID: 10.13169/statecrime.9.issue-2 )
            : 196-224
            [1 ] Ural State Law University;
            [2 ] King's College London;
            © 2021 International State Crime Initiative

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            Custom metadata

            political repression,judicial review,constitutionality,victims of repression,right to property,reparations


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