Introducing this volume, this article discusses how employment practices are shaped in a global economy, asking to what extent national policies and institutions still play a role and the importance of other social, economic, political and cultural factors in determining how work is organised and the pay, conditions and job security of workers. Whilst it is clear that there are general tendencies of erosion of labour standards, fragmentation of labour and intensification of working time, it is also clear that workers in some occupations, industries and countries are better able to resist these tendencies than others. The papers in this issue present a range of theoretical and empirical research from across Europe that seek to explain these differences, with results that are also relevant for audiences in other parts of the world.
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Coates, D. (2000) Models of Capitalism: Growth and Stagnation in the Modern Era , Cambridge: Polity Press
Coates, D. (2002) Models of Capitalism: debating strengths and weaknesses , Volume 1, Cheltenham & Camberley: Edward Elgar
Cox, R. (1992) ‘Global Perestroika’ in R. Miliband & L. Panitch (eds) New World Order? Socialist Register , Merlin Press
Crouch, C. & H. Farrell (2002) Breaking the Path of Institutional Development? Alternatives to the New Determinism . MPIfG Discussion Paper 02/5. Cologne: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung
Esping-Andersen, G. (1990) The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism , Cambridge: Polity Press
Friedman, M. & R. H. Rosenman (1974) Type A Behaviour , New York: Alfred A. Knopf
Greenan, N., E. Kalugina & E. Walkowiak (2007) ‘European Working Conditions Survey’, Biirindelli et al. (eds) The transformation of work? A quantitative evaluation of the shape of employment in Europe , Report from the WORKS project, Leuven: HIVA
Hall, P.A. & D. Soskice (2001), Varieties of Capitalism , Oxford: Oxford University Press
Hutton, W. (2002) The World We're In , London: Little Brown
Huws, U. (2003) The Making of a Cybertariat , New York: Monthly Review Press
Huws, U. (2006) ‘What will we do? the destruction of occupational identities in the knowledge-based economy’, Monthly Review , Vol 57, No 8 January
Huws, U. (2010) ‘New forms of work; new occupational identities’, N. Pupo and M Thomas (eds) Interrogating the ‘New Economy’: Restructuring Work in the 21st Century' , Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press
Lehndorff et al. (2007) Dynamics of National Employment Models , Final Report of the Dynamo Project, Duisberg-Essen: IAQ, Accessed on March 2, 2010 from
Mercer, J. (1954) ‘Something's Gotta Give’, available in R. Kimball, B. Day, M. Kreuger & E. Davis (eds) (2009) Complete Lyrics of Johnny Mercer , New York: Random House
Ohmae, K. (1990) The Borderless World: Power and Strategy in the Interlinked World Economy , London: HarperCollins
Panitch, L. (2004), ‘Globalization and the State’, L. Panitch, C. Leys, A. Zuege & M. Konings (eds) The Globalization Decade , London: Merlin:9–43
Weiss, A. (2007) ‘Global forces and national institutions: the shaping of call centre employment in Colombia’, Work Organisation, Labour and Globalisation ,Vol 1 no 2:131–154