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      Temporary agency work in the Finnish health care sector: Greater flexibility and freedom in the workplace?

      Work Organisation, Labour and Globalisation
      Pluto Journals


            This article explores the views of temporary agency workers on their positions and roles in Finnish health care organisations. It aims to answer the question of how agency doctors and nurses perceive the content and social dimensions of agency work as well as their exercise of self-determination in agency work. The article is based on a questionnaire survey carried out in 2006, which found that agency employment in the health care sector is regarded as a flexible way of working that allows for considerable freedom. Doctors, in particular, have made the conscious choice to take up agency work, which fits in well with their personal life situations. However, there are definite limits to agency work that do not always favour the young worker or the patient. Agency employment does not provide adequate opportunities for guidance and support. Furthermore, young doctors and nurses do not have enough influence over the design of patient care. Even though flexible agency work is a voluntary choice for many health care professionals, it is necessary to ask whether it severs the connections with previous experiences and circumstances on which practical health care provision is based.


            Author and article information

            Work Organisation, Labour and Globalisation
            Pluto Journals
            Summer 2011
            : 5
            : 1
            : 112-128
            © Hannele Palukka and Tiina Tiilikka, 2011

            All content is freely available without charge to users or their institutions. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission of the publisher or the author. Articles published in the journal are distributed under a http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.


            Sociology,Labor law,Political science,Labor & Demographic economics,Political economics


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