What kinds of persons, organizations, cultures, or indeed systems←→ideologies speak and use the language of domination, control, self-proclaimed Number One in undefined and immeasurable ways? Prominent transnational neo-lib/con ( purple fusion) ideologues, politicians, militarists do not speak of strategic parity or security or defense, but speak of dominance and dominating all other nations and/or non-state actors even daring to challenge their self-somberly-asserted doctrine. They do not speak of strategic dominance in terms of battle spaces (land, sea, air, space, cyberspace, cognito-space, electromagnetic space) but forms of offensive and defensive weapons; influence in strategic global institutions; control over strategic resources, technologies, R&D centers; control of key educational institutions and their curricula. This paper explores some of the contradictions, causes, effects, dynamics, failures of evolving imperial doctrines and institutions governing various declared and undeclared forms, methods, and arenas of global dominance sought now and in the future.
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