This article intends to re-examine what is necessary and desirable for reconstructing social democracy and socialism for the 21st century against neoliberalism. It starts by reviewing the final chapter of David Harvey's The Enigma of Capital (2010), where he presents his ideas of what is to be done about a series of important issues of our age. Among other things, we have to rethink anew notions of communism, socialism, anti-capitalism, anarchism, social democracy, and Keynesianism against neoliberalism. Beyond the typical 20th-century models of social democracy and socialism, which expected to change the roles of nation state upon the ground of trade union movements, new features and components of their 21st-century models are to be examined. Among them, let us reconsider here more concretely, based upon our recent experiences, what to expect on Keynesian devices, green recovery policies, the ideas of basic income and local currencies.
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