Within the context of a new capitalistic phase of development, some South American countries undertook until recently a search process of an alternative path of development to neoliberalism, or “neo-developmentalism” experiences. In neo-developmentalist countries, the states' inner action was complemented with the use, at the supranational scale, of the states' external power to further a geoeconomic and political realignment with China, Russia, the BRICS and the Global South, and, thus, a distancing from US and its hegemonic system of states. Centered on state action, to which we provide a set of theoretical foundations related to capitalistic phases of development from a Gramscian perspective, we explore neo-developmentalism experiences (particularly Brazil's and Argentina's), their supranational realignment and the possible consequences to multi-polarity, including the recent setbacks suffered by the progressive governments. We conclude that those trends won't avoid China, the BRICS and the Global South to continue reconfiguring South America, but another push like the one recently seen might have to wait until the next expansive phase of the commodity price cycle.
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