Computer Supported Collaborative learning (CSCL) is nowadays well mature and it is able to set guide-lines to enrich e-learning. On its side, e-learning does not fully exploit its potentialities yet. Suggestions from CSCL could be useful to empower the presence on the e-learning on the market and would foster a vision of learning as not a simple further “commercial product”. The European Commission funded many projects involving several countries, numerous students, teachers and researchers, and a variety of software. During the presentation a few European projects, considered as best practices, will be shortly discussed. Through the results gathered, guide-lines are drawn to improve e-learning, concerning: a) understanding of the users; b) blended learning; c) learners’ empowerment.
Author and article information
M. Beatrice Ligorio
Roberto Cordeschi
Publication date:
Publication date
Pages: 1-7
[0001]University of Bari, Dept. of Psychology,
Palazzo Ateneo, Via Crisanzio 1 – 70100 Bari - Italy
[0002]University of Salerno, Dept. of Communication Sciences
Via Ponte Don Melillo 84084 - Fisciano (SA) – Italy