J. Davis 1994 Inspired by Design: The Arts and Crafts Collection of Manchester Metropolitan University Manchester Metropolitan University press Manchester
S. ChaplinA. Stara 2009 Curating Architecture and the City Routledge Press
I. Vasconcelllos 2016 Fourth Plinth: How London Created the Smallest Sculpture Park in the World: Art Books
CityVerve: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/manchester-wins-10m-prize-to-become-world-leader-in-smart-city-technology 25 July 2016
CityVerve: http://confidentials.com/manchester/cityverve-is-it-time-for-a-smarter-manchester 25th February 2017
CityVerve: http://www.cityverve.org.uk 25 July 2016
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Column for Manchester. http://www.shanhur.com/project41.html 16 March 2017