R. BandtM. DuffyD. MacKinnon 2007 Hearing Places Sound, Place, Time and Culture Cambridge Scholars Publishing Newcastle Upon Tyne UK
R. BeilB. Marí 2008 The Killing Machine, Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller Hatje Cantz Berlin 13
M. BoonG. Levine Practice, Documents of Contemporary Art Whitechapel Gallery and MIT Press Cambridge Massachusetts and London 140
A. CarlyleC. Lane 2013 On Listening Uniform Books Axminster Devon 89
D. Ihde 2007 Listening and Voice State University of New York Press New York 75
D. Kahn 1999 Noise, Water, Meat MIT Press Cambridge Massachusetts and London 7
B. LaBelleC. Martinho 2011 Sites of Sound#2 Of Architecture and the Ear C. Patrick PErrant Bodies Press Berlin 175
C. A. Wright 2019 Chris A Wright Soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/chris-a-wright-917928995 retrieved 18 March 2019 )