After the modernist period of chemigram cameraless practices, photography in the digital and post-photography moment raised some methods such as found, altered, distorted, which are called appropriation. These approaches are connected and progressively affected by experimental photography, which is also called hybrid practices using analog and digital mediums. These neo-avant-garde moments are now becoming more cameraless and not witnessed by light but codes. Currently, further AI-generated photography and its background machine learning system GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks), StyleGAN and StyleGan2 create real portraits. The main issue to be addressed here is how to read these photographs, which are more analogous to reality than ever before. In this study, Deleuze’s rhizomatic approach will be considered to examine the issue. The rhizomatic philosophical concept has no centre, which loses a point/channel of desire (deterritorialization) only to start along a new path like a rhizome’s spread (reterritorialization). Never-ending stream of images by GANs has a very similar structure with the body without organs/images flow and the organization, but with consistency. This process of interconnectedness and extinction shows that each portrait created is linked in a rhizomatic way. Some questions will also be reconsidered in this context: Could we still mention photography, or are these just images? In both situations, what are their specificity and structure? How could it be studied with a novel methodology and paradigm?
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