This paper describes the industrial use of the Vienna Development Method (VDM and VDM++) technology in Japan since the acquisition of VDMTools by CSK Systems in 2003. This acquisition followed a very successful application of VDM++ in the development of two subsystems of the TradeOne back office system for securities trading. Subsequently, FeliCa Networks has also successfully applied VDM++ in the development of a new generation IC chip for use as an electronic purse which can be embedded in a cellular telephone. This paper provides a short overview of some of the most important industrial applications of VDM in Japan in recent years. It also reports about the main lessons learned, particularly regarding quality and cost. Finally, the future prospects for this kind of technology in Japan are considered.
Author and article information
Peter Gorm Larsen
John Fitzgerald
Publication date:
Publication date
Pages: 1-6
[0001]Engineering College of Aarhus
Dalgas Avenue 2, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
[0002]School of Computing Science
Newcastle University, UK