Preface: “HCI… but not as we know it”
At first sight the two themes of this year’s People and Computers volume seem to send conflicting messages. On the one hand, “Happy 21st ” suggests that British HCI as a discipline has much to celebrate, having grown from its inception at the 1985 conference at the University of East Anglia, through infancy (where it made quite a lot of noise) and its terrible teens (struggling for substantive and methodological independence from its parents), and maturing into an autonomous discipline, ready to make its own way in the world. On the other hand, “HCI…but not as we know it”, darkly hints that British HCI may not be the same creature that saw the light 21 years ago; that it has, perhaps, been led astray or become possessed by an alien force.
Rather than the negative connation of alien possession, however, the “HCI… but not as we know it” theme might better be taken to reflect how British HCI has not merely matured into adulthood but is now an evolving life-form that is adapting to meet the many emerging research challenges within the contemporary landscape of interaction design. Central amongst the changing contexts of current HCI research are the realms of mobile, virtual and everyday interaction that are far removed from the focus on static, desktop-based interaction that prevailed at the inaugural conference. The theme of that conference was “Designing the Interface”, and the resulting proceedings volume, edited by Peter Johnson and Stephen Cook [3], was dominated by papers focusing on formalising methods, models and guidelines for the design and evaluation of usable interfaces in workplace and office situations, with the main concern being the support for effective task completion by adult professional computer users. Of course, the 1985 conference came before the Internet as we know it. There did exist a form of Internet, but interaction was limited to textbased commands and simple messages, and there was only a small cabal of dedicated users based in research establishments around the world. And there were no multimedia systems or mobile phones. So it is hardly surprising that the 23 full papers selected for this year’s conference are so different in their sheer breadth of focus and concern from those published in the 1985 proceedings.
People and Computers XXI fully reflects the changing terrain of contemporary HCI, with researchers examining contexts as diverse as the social world of Blogs, the creative world of Digital Live Art, and the virtual world of Second Life®. Moreover, although there are papers that examine adult users in work-based contexts, these papers are equally balanced by those that address more diverse user groups (e.g., children, families, artists, and performers) in contexts far outside the workplace (e.g., in the street, at home, in school, on the stage, or within the urban transport system). We have clustered our papers within this volume into eight sections that capture effectively the evolving nature of HCI research.
Section 1 on Creative and Aesthetic Experiences includes three papers that examine new forms of interaction that allow us to use computers to create enjoyment for ourselves and others. Bardzell and Bardzell use virtual ethnography and artifact analysis to examine the prevalent BDSM (bondage, discipline, and sadomasochism) subculture in Second Life®, the emergence of which they explain in terms of the opportunities that Second Life® affords for the creation of truly unique and powerful aesthetic experiences. Sheridan et al. describe a framework for characterising people’s behaviour with Digital Live Art, and exemplify this framework through an exploration of people’s interaction with a digitally-based variant of an ancient Maori art form (poi). The final paper in this Section by Eales and Perera focuses on uncovering insights for the development of creativity support tools via the detailed observation of the creative practices of two artists whose work straddles the digital-atomic border.
The three papers in Section 2 examine issues relating to Everyday Interaction, and assess how the broader context of using devices (e.g., in terms of trust, security, control, and public policy) impacts upon interaction. Inglesant and Sasse draw on case studies of public transport services and demonstrate how usability must be prioritised at the policy stage of design if the needs of system users are to be met effectively. French et al. investigate the issue of trust perceptions in e-Banking using a card-sorting probe, and find that the effectiveness of tangible security policies and trust seals may be profoundly influenced by design issues that are actually related to usability. The paper by Beale and Edmondson reports a series of interview-based case studies that reveal the sophisticated multi-tasking behaviours that arise when everyday users interact with multiple computers and displays.
The topic of everyday interaction continues in Section 3, which includes two papers that have a specific focus on Communicating and Sharing Experiences. Dalsgaard et al. present a longitudinal field evaluation of eKISS, a pictureoriented blog that aims to support the sharing of intimate experiences from children to parents whilst physically separated. Social networking and sharing of experiences is also a concern of Bonhard et al., who examine the way in which online recommender systems can benefit from factors such as the inter-personal trust afforded by communities of familiar recommenders with shared interests.
Section 4 turns to the topic of Mobile and Remote Interaction, and presents a set of papers that provide carefully controlled experimental evaluations of people’s interaction with mobile technologies. Lumsden et al. investigate three different commercially available microphones in terms of their efficacy to facilitate speech-based data-entry in mobile contexts. Crease et al. describe a novel evaluation technique for examining mobile usage in a lab setting that requires participants to monitor their environment and alter their route to avoid dynamically changing hazards. In the final paper in this section, Yamashita et al. examine performance decrements when users switch from one mobile phone to another, and they conclude with a multifaceted theoretical account of why evident usability gaps may arise.
Issues relating to the assessment of usability also dominate Section 5 on the topic of Tracking Usability Issues, which involves four papers that present novel techniques for identifying where and why interaction breaks down, as well as new methods for categorising interaction problems and errors. This section begins with Ehmke and Wilson’s exploration of the link between usability problems and eye-movement metrics. As part of their ambitious project they present an initial correlation scheme that associates a diverse set of usability problems with specific eye-tracking patterns. This is an approach that certainly seems to point the way ahead for much eye-tracking and usability research. The following paper by Eger et al. takes a rather different approach to the deployment of eye-tracking data in HCI research, and evaluates a novel method of usability testing that entails the ‘playback’ of dynamic eye-movement scan-paths as a way to cue the elicitation of retrospective verbal reports about system usability. The paper by Vermeeren et al. also examines the efficacy of verbal reporting methods during usability testing, this time with a focus on structured interviewing with young children. The final paper in this section by Kano et al. presents an empirical study on typing errors made by children during a text copy exercise. This study leads to the formulation of an expanded and more detailed method (ExpECT) for classifying typing errors that improves upon existing categorisation schemes.
Section 6 – From Theory to Technique – returns to familiar HCI territory with a set of papers that aim to bridge the gap between theory and method in the design and evaluation of advanced interactive systems. Bowen and Reeves present a case study of how formal models can provide several benefits for user interface design, not least the incorporation of the user interface design process into the larger, formally-based software development process. The topic of software development continues in the paper by Memmel et al., which seeks to close the gap between software engineering and HCI by means of principles from agile engineering approaches such as Extreme Programming and Agile Modelling. Finally, the paper by Johansson and Arvola assesses the potential for user interface sketches, scenarios and prototypes to structure stakeholder meetings during interaction design projects. They conclude that the choice of structuring technique is critically dependent on the composition of the group and the desired focus of the stakeholder meeting.
The last two sections of this volume address issues relating to the ‘new’ HCI. Section 7 – HCI: Surveying the Domain – begins with a paper by Frauenberger et al. that presents a wideranging assessment of current practice in designing the auditory mode in the user interface. Their survey of 86 designers provides valuable insights into the state-of-the art in the field, and allows for the development of a methodological design framework aimed at providing accessible guidance for designers who wish to integrate audio within the interface. The following paper by Cairns surveys the use of inferential statistics over the past two BCS HCI conferences [2, 4] and the last year (2006) of two leading HCI journals. Cairns notes that nearly all of the papers that deployed inferential statistics fell foul of problems (of varying severity) in either their statistical analysis or their reporting of statistical results. Such statistical weaknesses clearly have the potential to undermine the validity of much of this presented research. Cairns concludes with some constructive recommendations for the HCI community that any of us who use inferential statistics would do well to heed. One good starting point would be to take a few days to read through Robert Abelson’s magnificent and illuminating exposition of the ‘real story’ of how to use statistics in research [1].
The three papers in Section 7 on Extending HCI offer highly original approaches and methods for broadening theory and technique to new domains and technologies. Plimmer and Freeman overview the implementation of a sketch toolkit (InkKit) that provides context-free design spaces and a trainable and extensible writing/drawing recognition engine. Their evaluation of InkKit attests to the viability of a toolkit approach to sketched diagram recognition. In the subsequent paper, Metatla et al. describe a novel approach to supporting the non-visual exploration of graphically presented information. The resulting evaluation of their approach indicates that relational information within diagrams can be navigated nonvisually and that aspects of verbal descriptions that are substituted with non-verbal sounds can actually lead to reliable performance improvements. The final paper in this volume by Hall et al. reports on a case study of a novel participatory technique for requirements elicitation based around a photoelicitation approach combined with Lomo photography. The paper presents a unique insight into the use of this approach for designing a multimedia application for children on the theme of water safety.
Within this volume, then, are the very best of the 79 ‘fullpaper’ submissions that the conference received this year. All submissions obtained an average of four external reviews by carefully-matched experts from an extensive set of reviewers that are listed within this volume. As always, we are very grateful for the contribution of these reviewers, and we thank them publicly for their hard work. Following the first-stage external review, all papers were then meta-reviewed by members of the programme committee, who prepared a detailed analysis for discussion at the paper selection meeting.
In contrast to the year of its birth, where all accepted full papers were by UK-based researchers, this 21-year old is clearly a global player, with the majority of the accepted papers being from overseas researchers or involving overseas collaborations. We note with great pleasure that eight countries outside the UK are represented within this volume. Similarly, we are satisfied that the HCI universe does indeed continue to expand beyond our previous horizons; but the HCI community should have no fear in boldly going into these new worlds, to learn from them and share our knowledge. All that remains is for us to commend the selected papers to you, for you to enjoy them, and for each of us to seek to recognise HCI, even when it’s not as we know it.
Linden J. Ball
M. Angela Sasse
Corina Sas
Thomas C. Ormerod
Alan Dix
Peter Bagnall
Tom McEwan
July 2007
Preface: “HCI… but not as we know it” – Volume 2
As the British HCI conference has reached its 21st year, it has earned its status as being a conference with a mind of its own – a bit provocative and looking to the future. This is what we have tried to reflect in the Volume 2 proceedings. Short papers are an ideal forum for work in progress and late breaking results. This year we have also included a number of papers that are more thought-provoking, both for the future of HCI and our own practices. As such, this Volume captures exactly what “not as we know it” represents: papers that are all trying to say something new and different, whether at a theoretical level or in terms of research carried out in non-traditional areas or using novel methodologies. The present papers also compliment very effectively the full papers presented in Volume 1, and are categorised under the same themes for presentation at the conference: Creative and Aesthetic Experiences, Everyday Interaction, Communicating and Sharing Experiences, Mobile and Remote Interaction, Tracking Usability Issues, From Theory to Technique, HCI: Surveying the Domain, and Extending HCI.
As well as the 31 short papers and 8 student papers, Volume 2 also includes posters, interactive experiences, panels, organisational overviews, workshops, and tutorials, in addition to papers associated with the HCI practice day and the doctoral consortium. All of these events are at the heart of the conference as they give us the buzz, get us talking in a more informal way about our work, and provide opportunities to present and discuss work that is not yet finalised in the form of a full paper.
All submissions for Volume 2 have been rigorously reviewed using the same process that was applied to the full papers that were submitted to Volume 1. Submissions received an average of four external reviews and were then subjected to further meta-reviewing.
Producing Volume 2 has been the joint effort of the authors, reviewers, category co-chairs and the entire organising committee who contributed much time and effort. We would like to thank all contributors – without you this conference would not exist.
We hope that the essence of British HCI’s 21st birthday has been communicated to you through this Volume.
Devina Ramduny-Ellis
Dorothy Rachovides
July 2007
The Reviewers
Abate Umberto University of Sussex
Agarwal Pragya University College London
Al Hashimi Sama'a Middlesex University
Aliakseyeu Dima Technical University Eindhoven
Amaldi Paola Middlesex University
Anastassova Margarita CREATE-NET
Anceaux Francoise Université of Valenciennes
Andre Paul University of Southampton
Asadi Nikooyan Ali Amirkabir University of Technology
Asimakopoulos Stavros Lancaster University
Atkinson Matthew Loughborough University
Baber Chris University of Birmingham
Back Jonathan University College London
Bagnall Peter Lancaster University
Balbo Sandrine University of Melbourne
Ball Linden Lancaster University
Barboni Eric IRIT – LIIHS
Bardzell Jeffrey Indiana University
Bardzell Shaowen Indiana University
Beale Russell University of Birmingham
Bednarik Roman University of Joensuu
Ben Ammar Mohamed Université de Sfax
Bennett Emily University of Portsmouth
Bevan Emma University of Cambridge
Bissett Andy Sheffield Hallam University
Boardman Richard Google
Bonini Deirdre Yuseo
Bourguet Marie-Luce University of London
Bowerman Chris University of Sunderland
Boyd Davis Stephen Middlesex University
Brejcha Jan Charles University Prague
Bremner Fiona General Dynamics Canada
Briggs Pamela Northumbria University
Brinkman Willem-Paul Brunel University
Bryan-Kinns Nick University of London
Brys Catherine University of Glasgow
Busse Daniela Microsoft Corp.
Cairns Paul University College London
Calvillo Gámez Eduardo University College London
Carelli Izaura Maria Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná
Cereijo Roibas Anxo University of Brighton
Chickerur Satyadhyan Sona College of Technology
Choi Youngmi University of Melbourne
Clark Lillian University of York
Coninx Karin Universiteit Hasselt
Cowen Laura IBM UK Ltd
Cramer Henriette Universiteit van Amsterdam
Crease Murray NRC-IIT
Creed Chris University of Birmingham
Crerar Dr Alison Napier University
Cunliffe Daniel University of Glamorgan
Dempster Euan University of Abertay
Dittmar Anke University of Rostock
Dix Alan Lancaster University
Dogan Huseyin BAE Systems
Draper Steve University of Glasgow
Dubois Emmanuel IRIT – LIIHS
Dubois Jean-Marc Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux
Dunlop Mark University of Strathclyde
Eales Jim Middlesex University
Eibl Maximilian Technical University Chemnitz
Ellis Geoffrey Lancaster University
Elsweiler David University of Strathclyde
England David Liverpool John Moores University
Fabri Marc Leeds Metropolitan University
Farmer Rod University of Melbourne
Farrell Vivienne Swinburne University
Feinman Alexander Charles River Analytics Inc.
Fenley Sue University of Reading
Fields Bob Middlesex University
Fincher Sally University of Kent
Finlay Janet Leeds Metropolitan University
Folmer Eelke Rijks Universiteit Groningen
Ford Gabrielle University of KwaZulu-Natal
Fröhlich Peter Telecommunications Research Center Vienna
Frauenberger Christopher KUG, University of Music and Dramatic Arts Graz,
Gardner Peter University of Leeds
Gauffre Guillaume IRIT - Toulouse
Geven Arjan CURE - Centre for Usability Research and Engineering
Ghaoui Claude Liverpool John Moores University
Ghosh Gautam Unserminded Ltd, Norway
Gilleade Kiel Lancaster University
Gillham Robert Amberlight Partners Ltd
Goodman Dr Joy University of Cambridge
Griffiths Lee University of Salford
Gul Leman Figen The University of Newcastle
Hürst Wolfgang Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Harrison Chandra University of York
Healey Pat University of London
Heishman Ricci George Mason University
Helgeson Bo Blekinge Institute of Technology
Hey Elliott IBM Ease of Use Group
Hickey Seamus University of Oulu
Higson Irene Heriot-Watt University
Hoffmann Hans-Juergen Darmstadt University of Technology
Holmlid Stefan Human Centered Systems
Holt Jane Lancaster University
Hone Kate Brunel University
Horton Matthew University of Central Lancashire
Howes Andrew University of Manchester
Hughes Baden University of Melbourne
Hulme Romeo
Iqbal Rahat Faculty of Engineering and Computing
Iqbal Shamsi University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Isokoski Poika University of Tampere
Jain Jhilmil Hewlett Packard Labs
Jeffcoate Judith University of Buckingham
Jillbert Julius Hasanuddin University
Jokela Timo University of Oulu
Jomhari Nazean University of Manchester
Jones Christian University of the Sunshine Coast
Joyce Kev Hutchinson Whampoa Ltd
Költringer Thomas Vienna University of Technology
Kantamneni Satyam PayPal Corp. (an eBay Company)
Karagiannidis Charalampos University of Thessaly
Karam Maria Ryerson University
Katifori Akrivi National and Capodistrian University of Athens
Kemp Elizabeth Massey University, New Zealand
Ketola Pekka Nokia
Kettley Sarah Napier University
Klante Palle Pixelpark AG
Klein Peter User Interface Design GmbH
Lárusdóttir Marta Reykjavik University
Lancaster Thomas UCE Birmingham
Law Effie Lai-Chong ETH Zürich
Lawson Shaun University of Lincoln
Lepouras Georgios University of Peloponnese
Leuchter Sandro Fraunhofer Institute for Information and Data Processing
Lilley Mariana University of Hertfordshire
Liu Steven ChinaHCI
Lock Simon Lancaster University
Loudon Gareth University of Wales Institute
Lumsden Jo National Research Council of Canada
Macaulay Catriona University of Dundee
MacKinnon Lachlan University of Abertay
Mahlke Sascha Technische Universität Berlin
Mandl Thomas Universität Hildesheim
Mann Phebe The Open University
Mansoux Benoit LIG
Martin Beth US Department of Health and Human Services
Masoodian Masood The University of Waikato
Mazzone Emanuela University of Central Lancashire
McAllister Graham Queen's University Belfast
McCrindle Dr Rachel University of Reading
McEwan Tom Napier University
McGookin David University of Glasgow
Memmel Thomas University of Konstanz
Metatla Oussama University of London
Millard Nicola BT
Mongomery Masters Michelle University of Strathclyde
Moore David Leeds Metropolitan University
Morse David The Open University
Nørgaard Mie University of Copenhagen
Nair Rahul University of California at Berkeley
Nascimento Souto Patricia Cristina Loughborough University
Neil Stuart University of Wales Institute
Nicol Tony University of Central Lancashire
Nielsen Lene Copenhagen Business School, CBS
Nilsson Maria University of Skovde
Noel Sylvie Communications Research Centre
Nonaka Hidetoshi Hokkaido University
Nosseir Ann Strathclyde
Olivier Patrick University of Newcastle Upon Tyne
O'Malley Claire Nottingham University
Ormerod Tom Lancaster University
Paelke Volker University of Hannover
Papatzanis George University of London
Payne Stephen University of Manchester
Perera Dharani Deakin University
Peter Christian Fraunhofer IGD Rostock
Phillips Peter Lancaster University
Pickering Emma Ordnance Survey
Pinto da Luz Rodolfo Centro Universitário Unieuro
Plimmer Beryl University of Auckland
Ploderer Bernd University of Melbourne
Pohl Margit University of Technology Vienna
Prasad R Venkatesha WMC, TUDelft
Purchase Helen Glasgow University
Rønne Jakobsen Mikkel University of Copenhagen
Rachovides Dorothy University of Surrey
Raisamo Jukka University of Tampere
Ramaswamy Sreeramen Human Factors International
Ramduny-Ellis Devina Lancaster University
Raymaekers Chris Hasselt University
Read Janet University of Central Lancashire
Rebelo Irla Bocianoski UNIEURO - Cetro Universitário Euroamericana
Reed Darren University of York
Reeves Nina University of Gloucestershire
Reeves Stuart Nottingham University
Renaud Karen GUCSD
Renshaw Tony Leeds Metropolitan University
Rigas Dimitris University of Bradford
Roberts Dave IBM
Romano Daniela University of Sheffield
Romero Natalia Eindhoven University of Technology
Rose Tony Russell Rose Consulting
Roth Patrick University of Geneva
Russo Angelina Queensland University of Technology
Sainz Salces Fausto Universidad Carlos III Madrid
Salber Daniel Joost Technologies B.V.
Salovaara Antti Helsinki Institute for Information Technology
Santos Lucinio IBM
Sari Eunice University of Art and Design Helsinki
Sas Corina Lancaster University
Sasse M. Angela University College London
Schatz Raimund Telecommunications Research Centre
Schmettow Martin University Passau
Scott Suzanne University of Dundee
Sener Bahar Middle East Technical University
Sheridan Jennifer G. Lancaster University
Sim Gavin University of Central Lancashire
Simi Maria Università di Pisa
Slack Frances Sheffield Hallam University
Soosay Meg Leeds Metropolitan University
Storer Tim University of St Andrews
Strom Georg University of Copenhagen
Stumpf Simone Oregon State University, Corvallis
Terrier Patrice Université de Toulouse & CNRS
Thapliyal Mathura HNB Garhwal University
Thimbleby Harold University of Wales Swansea
Tomitsch Martin Vienna University of Technology
Tsuji Bruce Human Oriented Technology Lab
Turner Phil Napier University
Turner Susan Napier University
Upton Mark EDS
Van den Ende Nele Philips Research
Vanderdonckt Jean Université Catholique de Louvain
Vasalou Asimina Imperial College London
Venkatesha Murthy Sudhindra
Venters Colin C. University of Manchester
Wall Steven University of Glasgow
Ward Robert University of Huddersfield
Warr Andrew University of Oxford
Whitelock Denise The Open University
Widjaja Ivo University of Melbourne
Wild Peter University of Cambridge
Wilson Judy Middlesex University
Wilson Max University of Southampton
Xu Diana University of Central Lancashire
Zaphiris Panayiotis City University
HCI 2007 Committee
Conference Chairs Tom Ormerod Lancaster University, UK
Corina Sas Lancaster University, UK
Fairy Godfather Alan Dix Lancaster University, UK
General Scientific Co-Chair Russell Beale University of Birmingham, UK
Full Papers Chairs Linden Ball Lancaster University, UK
Angela Sasse University College London, UK
Short Papers Chairs Devina Ramduny-Ellis Lancaster University, UK
Dorothy Rachovides University of Surrey, UK
Webmasters Peter Bagnall Lancaster University, UK
Jane Holt Lancaster University, UK
HCI Practice Chair Laura Cowen IBM United Kingdom Ltd, UK
Tutorials Chairs Willem-Paul Brinkman Brunel University, UK
Steve Draper University of Glasgow, UK
Workshops Chairs Dimitris Rigas University of Bradford, UK
Anke Dittmar University of Rostock, Germany
Posters Chairs Andrew Howes University of Manchester, UK
Marc Fabri Leeds Metropolitan University, UK
Panels Chairs Janet Finlay Leeds Metropolitan University, UK
Timo Jokela University of Oulu, Finland
Interactive Experience Chair Simon Lock Lancaster University, UK
Student Papers Chairs Janet Read University of Central Lancashire, UK
Claire O’Malley University of Nottingham, UK
Laboratory & Organisational Overviews Pamela Briggs Northumbria University, UK
Tom McEwan Napier University, UK
Doctoral Consortium Chairs Lachlan MacKinnon University of Abertay Dundee, UK
Steve Payne University of Manchester, UK
Sponsorship Tom Ormerod Lancaster University, UK
Publicity Tom McEwan Napier University, UK
Keith Mitchell Lancaster University, UK
Exhibition Manager Patrick Olivier Newcastle University, UK
Treasurer Alan Dix Lancaster University, UK
Technical Support Peter Bagnall Lancaster University, UK
Peter Phillips Lancaster University, UK
Student Volunteers Stavros Asimakopoulos Lancaster University, UK
Jane Holt Lancaster University, UK
British HCI Group Liaison Janet Finlay Leeds Metropolitan University, UK
Adrian Williamson Graham Technology plc, UK
Fintan Culwin London South Bank University, UK
HCI 2008 Liaison David England Liverpool John Moores University, UK
HCI 2006 Liaison Nick Bryan-Kinns Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Pat Healey Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Conference Administration & Social Programme Jenny Harding Lancaster University, UK
Chris Needham Lancaster University, UK
Volume 1
Creative and Aesthetic Experiences
Shaowen Bardzell & Jeffrey Bardzell Docile Avatars: Aesthetics, Experience, and Sexual Interaction in Second Life
Jennifer G. Sheridan, Nick Bryan-Kinns & Alice Bayliss Encouraging Witting Participation and Performance in Digital Live Art
R. T. Jim Eales & Dharami Perera Creativity Support: Insights from the Practices of Digital-Atomic Artists
Everyday Interaction
Philip Inglesant & M. Angela Sasse Usability is the Best Policy: Public Policy and the Lived Experience of Transport Systems in London
Tim French, Kecheng Liu & Mark Springett A Card-Sorting Probe of E-Banking Trust Perceptions
Russell Beale & William Edmondson Multiple Carets, Multiple Screens and Multi-Tasking: New Behaviours with Multiple Computers
Communicating and Sharing Experiences
Thomas Daslgaard, Mikael B.Skov & Bo Ramsdahl Thomassen eKISS: Sharing Experiences in Families Through a Picture Blog
Philip Bonhard, M. Angela Sassa & Clare Harries "The Devil You Know Knows Best": How Online Recommendations can Benefit from Social Networking
Mobile and Remote Interaction
Joanna Lumsden, Irina Kondratova & Scott Durling Investigating Microphone Efficacy for Facilitation of Mobile Speech-Based Data Entry
Murray Crease, Jo Lumsden & Bob Longworth A Technique for Incorporating Dynamic Paths in Lab-Based Mobile Evaluations
Aiko Fallas Yamashita, Wolmet Barendregt & Morten Fjeld Exploring Potential Usability Gaps when Switching Mobile Phones: An Empirical Study
Tracking Usability Issues
Claudia Ehmke & Stephanie Wilson Indentifying Web Usability Problems from Eye-Tracking Data
Nicola Eger, Linden J. Ball, Robert Stevens & Jon Dodd Cueing Retrospective Verbal Reports in Usability Testing Through Eye-Movement Replay
Arnold Vermeeren, Mathilde M. Bekker, Ilse E. H. van Kesteren & Huib de Ridder Experiences with Structured Interviewing of Children During Usability Tests
Akiyo Kano, Janet C. Read, Alan Dix & I. Scott MacKenzie ExpECT: An Expanded Error Categorisation Method for Text Input
From Theory to Technique
Judy Bowen & Steve Reeves Using Formal Models to Design User Interfaces: A Case Study
Thomas Memmel, Fredrik Gundelsweiler & Harald Reiterer Agile Human-Centered Software Engineering
Maria Johansson & Mattias Arvola A Case Study of How User Interface Sketches, Scenarios and Computer Prototypes Structure Stakeholder Meetings
HCI: Surveying the Domain
Christopher Frauenberger, Tony Stockman & Marie-Luce Bourget A Survey on Common Practice in Designing Audio in the User Interface
Paul Cairns HCI... not as it should be: Inferential Statistics in HCI Research
Extending HCI
Beryl Plimmer & Isaac Freeman A Toolkit Approach to Sketched Diagram Recognition
Oussama Metatla, Nick Bryan-Kinns & Tony Stockman Using Hierarchies to Support Non-Visual Access to Relational Diagrams
Lynne Hall, Susan Jones, Marc Hall, Joanne Richardson & John Hodgson Inspiring Design: The Use of Photo Elicitation and Lomography in Gaining the Child's Perspective
Volume 2
Short Papers
Russell Beale Blogs, Reflective Practice and Student-Centered Learning
Olav W. Bertelsen & Marianne Graves Petersen Erotic Life as a New Frontier in HCI
Duncan P. Brumby, Dario D. Salvucci & Andrew Howes An Empirical Investigation into Dual-Task Trade-offs while Driving and Dialing
Martin Brynskov & Gunnar Kramp Habitats: A Simple Way to Bridge Artifacts, Professions, and Theories in Ubiquitous Design
Richard Stephen Clavering & Andrew Robert Nicols Lessons Learned Implementing an Educational System in Second Life
Fintan Culwin Learning Beans: Design, Implementation and Evaluation
Alan Dix Designing for Appropriation
Emmanuel Dubois, Philippe Truillet & Cédric Bach Evaluating Advanced Interaction Techniques for Navigating Google Earth
Peter Fröhlich, Rainer Simon, Elisabeth Muss, Andrea Stepan & Peter Reichl Envisioning Future Mobile Spatial Applications
Richard Harper, Dave Randall, Nicky Smyth, Carwyn Evans, Lisa Heledd & Robin Moore Thanks for the Memory
Thomas Heider & Thomas Kirste Automatic vs. Manual Multi-Display Configuration: A Study of User Performance in a Semi-Cooperative Task Setting
Christian Jacquemin Head-Shaped Tangible Interface for Affective Expression
Per A. Jonasson, Morten Fjeld & Aiko Fallas Yamashita Expert Habits vs. UI Improvements: Re-Design of a Room Booking System
Sven Laqua, Shane Udaraka Bandara & Angela Sasse GazeSpace: Eye Gaze Controlled Content Spaces
Sven Laqua, Nnamdi Ogbechie & Angela Sasse Contextualizing the Blogosphere: A Comparison of Traditional and Novel User Interfaces of the Web
Barry Lavelle, Daragh Byrne, Gareth J. F. Jones & Alan F. Smeaton Bluetooth Friendly Names: Bringing Classic HCI Questions into the Mobile Space
Sheila McCarthy, Heather Sayers & Paul McKevitt Investigating the Usability of PDAs with Ageing Users
Tom McEwan & Ben Weerts ALT Text and Basic Accessibility
Nicola Millard & Rosalind Britton Calling Time: An Effective and Affective Evaluation of Two Versions of the MIT Beer Game
Johanna Renny Octavia, Elise van den Hoven & Hans De Mondt Overcoming the Distance between Friends
Lidia Oshlyansky, Paul Cairns & Harold Thimbleby Validating the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) Tool Cross-Culturally
Dharami Perera, R. T. Jim Eales & Kathy Blashki Voice Art: Investigating Paralinguistic Voice as a Mode of Interaction to Create Visual Art
Dorothy Rachovides, David Frohlich & Maxine Frank Interaction Design in the Wild
Jamie Sands, Graham Johnson, David Benyon & Gregory Leplatre Meaningful Personalization at a Self-Service Kiosk
Martin Schmettow & Sabine Niebuhr A Pattern-Based Usability Inspection Method: First Empirical Performance Measures and Future Issues
Paula Alexandra Silva & Alan Dix Usability - Not as we know it!
Harold Thimbleby & Michael Harrison Names and Reference in User Interfaces
Harold Thimbleby & Will Thimbleby Internalist and Externalist HCI
Sylvia Truman Designing Educational Software Inline with the Creative Learning Process: Just how Important is the Preparation Phase?
Asimina Vasalou, Astrid Hopfensitz & Jeremy Pitt Is an Apology Enough? How to Resolve Trust Breakdowns in Episodic Online Interactions
Hans Weda & Marco Campanella Use Study on a Home Video Editing System
Student Papers
Daragh Byrne, Barry Lavelle, Gareth J. F. Jones & Alan F. Smeaton Visualising Bluetooth Interactions: Combining the Arc Diagram and DocuBurst Techniques
Nick Day, Corina Sas, Alan Dix, Mokoko Toma, Chris Bevan & Dave Clare Breaking the Campus Bubble: Informed, Engaged, Connected
Salima Elzouki, Marc Fabri & David Moore Teaching Severely Autistic Children to Recognise Emotions: Finding a Methodology
Jane Holt & Simon Lock MARPLE Investigates: An 'Adversarial' Approach to Evaluating User Experience
Haliyana Khalid & Alan Dix Designing for Photolurking
Rabia Khan & Antonella De Angeli Mapping the Demographies of Virtual Humans
Emanuela Mazzone, Diana Xu & Janet Read Design in Evaluation: Reflections on Designing for Children's Technology
Mohammad Alsuraihi & Dimitris Rigas How Effective is it to Design by Voice?
Eva de Lera & Muriel Garreta-Domingo Ten Emotion Heuristics: Guidelines for Assessing the User's Affective Dimension Easily and Cost-Effectively
Sarah Faisal, Paul Cairns & Ann Blandford Challenges of Evaluating the Information Visualization Experience
David Haniff Mental Health Issues and Pervasive Computing
Cecily Morrison & Alan Blackwell Interaction Manifolds: Theory from Experiments
Interactive Experience
Linda Hole & Oliver Williams The Emotion Sampling Device (ESD)
Evdokiya Ignatova & Willem-Paul Brinkman Clever Tracking User Behaviour over the Web: Enabling Researchers to Respect the User
Alan Dix & Laura Cowen HCI 2.0? Usability meets Web 2.0
Tom McEwan, Nick Bryan-Kinns, David England, Janet Finlay & Eamonn O'Neill A Conference Panel - but not as we know it!
Organisational Overviews
Tom Ormerod, Linden Ball, Alan Dix & Corina Sas HCI and Creative Problem-Solving at Lancaster
David Benyon & Oli Mival Introducing the Companions Project: Intelligent, Persistent, Personalised Interfaces to the Internet
Rahat Iqbal & Jacques Terken 3rd International Workshop on Ubiquitous and Collaborative Computing (iUBICOM)
Paul Curzon & Antonio Cerone 2nd International Workshop on Formal Methods for Interactive Systems
Willem-Paul Brinkman, Annette Payne, Nayna Patel, Darren Griffin & Joshua Underwood Design, Use and Experience of E-Learning Systems
Silvia Abrahão & Jean Vanderdonckt Usability of User Interfaces: From Monomodal to Multimodal
Mary Zajicek & Claudia Roda Designing for Attention (2)
Effie Lai-Chong Law, Arnold P.O.S. Vermeeren, Marc Hassenzahl & Mark Blythe Towards a UX Manifesto
Rose Luckin, Lynne Dunckley & Andrew M. Dearden Designing Human Centered Technologies for the Developing World: HCI but not as we know it
Phil Turner The End of Cognition?
Christian Peter, Russell Beale, Elizabeth Crane & Lesley Axelrod Emotion in HCI
Elizabeth F. Churchill & Jeffrey Bardzell From HCI to Media Experience: Methodological Implications
Denis Lalanne & Elise van den Hoven Supporting Human Memory with Interactive Systems
Devina Ramduny-Ellis, Alan Dix & Steve Gill Second International Workshop on Physicality
Peter Bagnall Using Personas Effectively
Steve Cummaford & John Long Introducing HCI: A Practitioner's Guide
William Hudson Old Cards, New Tricks: Applied Techniques in Card Sorting
William Hudson Ajax Usability and Design
John Long & Steve Cummaford Managing Iterative Projects More Effectively: Theories, Techniques and Heuristics of HCI Practitioners
Panayiotis Zaphiris & Ulrike Pfeil Introduction to Social Network Analysis
HCI Practice Day
Colin Bird & Mark Farmer Information Architecture with IBM Task Modeler
Mark Farmer & Colin Bird Creating and Analysing Models in IBM Task Modeler
Tony Renshaw & Natalie Webb Eye Tracking in Practice
Doctoral Consortium
Eduardo H. Calvillo Gámez The Role of Input Devices in the Gaming Experience
Thom Heslop Figuring Configuration: "everyday" users and end-user configuration of Pervasive Computing Environments
Nazean Jomhari Facilitating the Communication between Malaysian Grandparents and Grandchildren Living Abroad through Computer-Mediated Communication
Cecily Morrison Interaction Manifolds: Understanding Behaviour Around a Shareable Interface
Ulrike Pfeil Social support in empathic online communities for older people
Per Sökjer Interaction Designers' Use of Their Repertoire in Meetings with Clients
Phillip Strain The Design and Evaluation of an Assistive Multimodal Interface
Nele Van den Ende, Jettie Hoonhout & Lydia Meesters Issues with the Construct of Quality
Kathryn Went Safer prescribing in intensive care: designing a system to reduce errors