As people age, social connections can be lost due to a number of factors. Technology can enhance an older person’s social connectedness, facilitating the creation of new connections, as well as the maintenance of existing ones. As part of the Building Bridges project, a communication device was deployed in 9 older adult’s homes and evaluated over a period of 7-9 weeks. The goals of the study were to assess the usability of the device, to explore attitudes towards it and to gather insights into potential target user groups who may benefit from such technology. We present our findings which highlight the importance of feedback and confirmation in increasing the usability of a technology device for older adults. Emergent themes surrounding older adults’ attitudes to using such technology to keep in touch, include the importance of perceived usefulness and the ability to have some level of control over when communication occurs and with whom.
Author and article information
Julie Doyle
Zoran Skrba
Ronan McDonnell
Ben Arent
Publication date:
Publication date
Pages: 177-185
[0001]School of Public Health,
University College Dublin
[0002]TRIL Centre
University College Dublin
[0003]Centre for Health Informatics
Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland