We present the design of a learning resource for HCI in higher education and distance education: an open source repository on task analysis with an interactive wizard for the choice of tools for analysis and design. Students are guided through discovery learning. This tool should make knowledge accessible to students that are not yet experts in the field and should support decisions during exploration. Students can configure a selection of a tool library based on criteria from their specific context. We aim at a flexible tool, based on the theoretical framework from own previous work in task analysis methods and techniques. We show how we develop the knowledge structure and the wizard, mainly as an example for structuring and implanting knowledge in the domain of complex HCI approaches.
Author and article information
Teresa Consiglio
Gerrit van der Veer
Niek de Moel
Publication date:
Publication date
Pages: 1-4
[0001]Open University, The Netherlands
Valkenburgerweg 177 6419 AT, Heerlen