Nowadays, presentation tools such as PowerPoint and Keynote play an important role when transferring knowledge in educational or business settings. Nevertheless, a number of shortcomings of existing presentation tools in terms of the management, visualisation and navigation of content have been pointed out in literature [1]. Some of these limitations are based on the fact that slideware tools were originally used for the production of physical slides (e.g. transparencies) and existing solutions still simulate the affordances of physical slides. We investigate innovative forms to manage, visualise and navigate the content of a presentation, which, for example, includes the transclusion [2] or integration of content from other presentations and cross-media sources, as well as the non-linear navigation in a presentation. In order to explore and experiment with innovative human-information interaction techniques, we have developed the extensible MindXpres cross-media presentation platform. The modular architecture of MindXpres and its plug-in mechanism enable the reusability of content as well as the integration of new visualisation and interaction components which ultimately may improve the transfer of knowledge [3].
Author and article information
Reinout Roels
Beat Signer
Publication date:
Publication date
Pages: 1-2
[0001]Web & Information Systems Engineering Lab
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium