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      Promoting Mental Wellbeing in Young People Aged 12–18 Years: Opportunities for Design

      , ,
      Proceedings of the 31st International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI 2017) (HCI)
      digital make-believe, with delegates considering our expansive
      3 - 6 July 2017
      Mental health, mental wellbeing, mental health promotion, young people, digital technology


            Young people with poor mental health are more likely to have poor educational attainment, employment prospects and physical health, and mental health problems often persist into adulthood. Mental health promotion aims to elevate levels of mental wellbeing while protecting against its loss and reducing the prevalence of mental health problems. The delivery of and access to mental health promotion has evolved over recent years. This research explored the area of technology for promoting mental wellbeing in young people. The research was in two parts: focus groups with 34 young people aged 12–18 years, which identified a preference for digital sources of support; and a review of 14 apps and websites for supporting 12–18 year olds to promote their mental wellbeing, which identified significant shortfalls. The main contribution to HCI is new insights and opportunities for design to support young people aged 12–18 years to promote their mental wellbeing.


            Author and article information

            July 2017
            July 2017
            : 1-12
            [0001]The Glasgow School of Art

            Moray, UK
            [0002]NHS Grampian

            Moray, UK
            © Taylor et al. Published by BCS Learning and Development Ltd. Proceedings of British HCI 2017 – Digital Make-Believe. Sunderland, UK.

            This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

            Proceedings of the 31st International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI 2017)
            Sunderland, UK
            3 - 6 July 2017
            Electronic Workshops in Computing (eWiC)
            digital make-believe, with delegates considering our expansive

            1477-9358 BCS Learning & Development

            Self URI (article page): https://www.scienceopen.com/hosted-document?doi=10.14236/ewic/HCI2017.33
            Self URI (journal page): https://ewic.bcs.org/
            Electronic Workshops in Computing

            Applied computer science,Computer science,Security & Cryptology,Graphics & Multimedia design,General computer science,Human-computer-interaction
            Mental health,young people,mental wellbeing,digital technology,mental health promotion


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