Online food ordering platforms have changed how many of us purchase takeaway food. They have centralised and streamlined access, providing an opportunity for population-level dietary impact. However, they are currently not human-centred: typically providing limited functionality in support of users' values and dietary considerations; and focused on the provision of food that is broadly characterised as unhealthy. In this paper we explore a redesign of portions of Just Eat, an online takeaway food aggregator, building upon theoretical perspectives from public health. We conducted workshops in 2018 and 2019 to identify user behaviours and motivations then designed a human-centric web augmentation template that could disrupt platform provider behaviours and increase functionality to support users' desires and well-being. We provide a template for lightweight end-user appropriations of food ordering platforms that would enable researchers to explore how health information features could improve individual health and satisfaction, and design guidance for disruptively augmenting existing food ordering platforms (or designing new ones) to enable transparency, personalisation, and self-monitoring to empower users and improve their well-being.
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