This installation is an attempt to reflect the emotional state of a population of people. Emotional Data Visualised (EDV) poses the question: In a post-pandemic digital world how can we be expressive in a subtle yet personal way? EDV reflects the observation and the curiosity by the authors examining how mixed reality and Internet of Things (IoT) technology can be used to directly reflect peoples’ feelings.
Andrews, C (n.d) Emotion at MoMa signage.html
Dalsgaard, P., Halskov, K., & Iversen, O. S. (2016, May). Participation gestalt: Analysing participatory qualities of interaction in public space. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 4435-4446)
Levy, Pierre. “Beyond Kansei Engineering : the Emancipation of Kansei Design.” International journal of design 7, no. 2 (2013): 83–94
Weiser, M., & Brown, J. S. (1996). Designing calm technology. PowerGrid Journal, 1(1), 75-85.