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      Politics of the Machines 2021 - Rogue Research - Index

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      Proceedings of Politics of the Machines - Rogue Research 2021 (POM 2021)
      debate and devise concepts and practices that seek to critically question and unravel novel modes of science
      September 14-17, 2021

            Main article text

            Preface / POM Berlin

            In a state of ontological crisis, all boundaries between human and machine, nature and culture, and the organic and inorganic have been severely blurred. These are times of curious contrivances, novel natures, inescapable automation, and posthuman performances – where human and nonhuman find themselves being entwined, meshed and muddled into new unwitting entanglements. But from biased machine-learning to surveillance capitalism and digital colonisation – what power-structures are implicitly and covertly being embedded into these technologies?

            In a demand for more transparency, multiple movements are making a turn toward democratising knowledge and technology. They are exploring the potentials of open data, software, hardware and wetware to battle concealed hierarchies and partisan paradigms – eliciting a practice of counter-coding in a proliferating politics of machines.

            Within the Politics of the Machines conference series – following Copenhagen (2018) and Beirut (2019), the third POM conference took place as a hybrid conference on the 14-17 of September 2021, hosted by the chair for Open Science at the Technische Universität Berlin / Einstein Center Digital Future and the Berlin University of the Arts / Weizenbaum Institute.

            The goal of this edition of POM was to debate and devise concepts and practices that seek to critically question and unravel novel modes of science – what roles do academia, researchers, scientists, artists and designers have to take on in times of crisis, how must we re/position ourselves?

            What chances or challenges might the democratisation of technology and knowledge elicit, and what potential do practices such as critical making, community science, trans/feminist hacking or citizen forensics hold to bend the hierarchies of power – how can we work with active matter and technical turmoil to re/act?

            ‘POM Berlin – Rogue Research’ aimed to probe new methodological approaches from art, design and civic activism within the framework of academia in order to surface an inter- and transdisciplinary terrain that attempts to exceed the boundaries of theory and practice, academia and activism, and science and civil society.

            The POM Berlin conference emerged as a collaboration between the Technische Universität Berlin, the Berlin University of the Arts, Aalborg University, Aalto University, and the International University of Beirut. The conference took place over four days, comprising a series of tracks, interventions and a student exhibition.

            The conference brought together track chairs, speakers and interventions from 31 countries across Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America, representing critical perspectives on technology – decolonial, feminist and sustainable approaches, across disciplines, knowledge cultures and spaces.

            Taking place in times of a pandemic and geopolitical crisis, the editors, conference committee and organisational team would like to sincerely thank all of the track chairs, authors, intervening artists and designers, and students involved in this endeavour, for making both the conference and the resulting proceedings possible. It is the profound engagement of all parties, especially the ever-growing POM community, that has allowed this publication to arise.

            Conference Committee

            Michelle Christensen

            Visiting Professor for Open Science /

            Critical Culture, Technische Universität Berlin

            (Einstein Center Digital Future) /

            Berlin University of the Arts (Weizenbaum Institute)

            Florian Conradi

            Visiting Professor for Open Science /

            Critical Design, Technische Universität Berlin

            (Einstein Center Digital Future) /

            Berlin University of the Arts (Weizenbaum Institute)

            Laura Beloff

            Associate Professor of Visual Culture and Artistic Practices, Aalto University

            Morten Søndergaard

            Associate Professor / MediaAC Academic

            Director, School of Communication, Music, Art & Technology, Aalborg University

            Hassan Choubassi

            Associate Professor / Director, Institute of Visual Communication, The International University of Beirut

            Joe Elias

            Associate Director, Institute of Visual Communication, The International University of Beirut

            Dehlia Hannah

            Mads Øvlisen Fellow, Art and Natural Science,

            Aalborg University-Copenhagen, Affiliated Fellow,

            Institute for Cultural Inquiry Berlin

            Track Chairs

            Decolonizing the Machine

            Christina Shoux Casey, Aalborg University

            Grisha Coleman, Arizona State University

            Marco Donnarumma, Academy for Theatre and Digitality Dortmund

            Elizabeth Jochum, Aalborg University

            Boris Abramovic, University of Vienna

            Interferences of the Multitude

            Patrícia J. Reis, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

            Taguhi Torosyan, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

            Stefanie Wuschitz, Technische Universität Berlin

            Digging Earth

            Catherine Bernard, State University New York

            Matt Garcia, Colorado State University Pueblo / Desert ArtLAB

            Spaces – Encounters, Subjectivities + Environments

            Ingrid Cogne, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

            María Antonia González Valerio, Universidad

            Nacional Autónoma de México

            (Micro)biocontrol and Ethics of Care

            Mariana Perez Bobadilla, Waag Society

            Clio Flego, University of Genoa

            Marta de Menezes, Cultivamos Cultura

            Joel Ong, York University

            Open Science/Critical Spaces

            Gameli Adzaho, Global Lab Network Ghana

            Thomas Mboa, Mboalab Cameroonn

            Khadidiatou Sall, SeeSD Senegal

            Open Track/Rogue Research

            Michelle Christensen, TU Berlin / UdK Berlin

            Florian Conradi, TU Berlin / UdK Berlin

            Laura Beloff, Aalto University

            Hassan Choubassi, International University of Beirut


            Morten Søndergaard, Aalborg University

            Laura Beloff, Aalto University

            Michelle Christensen, TU Berlin / UdK Berlin

            Florian Conradi, TU Berlin / UdK Berlin

            Hassan Choubassi, BIU Beirut

            Joe Elias, BIU Beirut

            Dehlia Hannah, Aalborg University / ICI Berlin

            Reviewers POM 2021

            Boris Abramovic

            Gameli Adzaho

            Armstrong Chris

            Laura Beloff

            Catherine Bernard

            Hassan Choubassi

            Michelle Christensen

            Ingrid Cogne

            Grisha Coleman

            Florian Conradi

            Marco Donnarumma

            Juan Duarte

            Joe Elias

            Fabian Faltin

            Clio Flego

            Vigen Galstyan

            Matthew Garcia

            María Antonia González Valerio

            Thomas Grill

            Dehlia Hannah

            Merle Ibach

            Elizabeth Jochum

            Dankwa Nana Kesewaa

            Mari Keski-Korsu

            Ines Kramer

            Korinna Lindinger

            Thomas Mboa

            Marta de Menezes

            Shusha Niederberger

            Joel Ong

            Bobadilla Mariana Perez

            Patrícia J.Reis

            Astrid Reza

            Khadidiatou Sall

            Nelli Sargsyan

            Christina Shoux Casey

            Morten Søndergaard

            Berkay Soykan

            Taguhi Torosyan

            Pablo Torres

            Stefanie Wuschitz

            Organisational Team

            Berlin University of the Arts / Technische Universität Berlin:

            Michelle Christensen

            Florian Conradi

            Marie Dietze

            Katharina Bellinger

            Lukas Wirsching

            Pablo Torres

            Berkay Soykan

            Hannah Tatjes

            Lisa Hoffmann

            Conference Venue:

            Designtransfer + Berlin Open Lab

            Berlin University of the Arts

            Visual Coordination POM and POM Website:

            Joe Elias

            Conference Tracks

            Decolonizing the Machine

            This track explores black feminist critiques of posthumanism in and through artistic practice and performance research that utilize robots, machine learning, and computation. While robots and cyborgs have potential to figure posthuman forms of subjectivations, in algorithmic societies they often reinforce human-machine, self-other, or abled-disabled binaries, and gloss over the racist and dehumanizing exclusions that uphold neoliberal forms of power and Western conceptions of the human. The track is designed to cultivate and expand upon recent critical race and disability scholarship to uncover how hierarchies are encoded through biased digital technologies that systematically harm persons of colour and elide people with disabilities.

            Contributions critically inquire issues of race, gender and disability as they relate to performing machines/technological bodies. We aim at diverse and inclusive scholarship and practice that emphasise decolonial thinking/making, addressing topics such as: Race/gender/disability bias in robotic/cyborg art; algorithmic oppression in robotic/cyborg art; computational racialization; critical phenomenology and histories of race and technology in robotic/cyborg art; indigenous technologies/epistemologies in art and performance; black feminist theory, critical race studies, critical feminism, critical embodiment studies, disability studies, cybertheory, somatechnics and critical posthumanism.

            Track Chairs:

            Christina Shoux Casey, Aalborg University Grisha Coleman, Arizona State University Elizabeth Jochum, Aalborg University Boris Abramovic, University of Vienna Marco Donnarumma, Academy for Theatre and Digitality Dortmund

            Interferences of the Multitude

            In an era of ongoing crises made visible and sensible in the recent global turmoil, the question of ‘normality’ is increasingly under scrutiny. One can no longer be sure what ‘matters’ the most, as the normal was the problem in the first place. ‘There can be no return to normal’ has become the new social and political mantra – we might rather need to give attention to the experimental conditions of our observations. To accomplish this task, artists and researchers search for methods and tools to intra-act with and care for what matters in the realms of a potential future.

            We take this call as a chance to feel those who question established disorders – an invitation for people from diverse fields working in theory and/or empirical methodologies and practices for critical (art) making, addressing topics such as: Transfeminist hacking; towards a (new*) method; feminist economies vs gendered commodity chains; eco-feminism and its discontents; de-growth ecologies and possible futures; zero cost, zero waste, zero harm; ethical hardware, tools of the redistribution of the sensible; empirical methodologies and practices for critical (art) making.

            Track Chairs:

            Patrícia J. Reis, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna Taguhi Torosyan, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna Stefanie Wuschitz, Technische Universität Berlin

            Digging Earth – The Politics of the Extractive Industries on Indigenous Lands

            From the myth of the El Dorado and the colonial exploitation of earth resources on indigenous lands, to the twenty-first century development of renewable sources of energy, new technologies and the demand for rare minerals, the extraction of earth resources has been strategized to meet the demands of heavily industrialized countries. Deep sea mining is the next frontier for the extraction of rare earth elements, while a lucrative space industry is developing plans for asteroid mining. Relayed by a number of grassroots and activist groups, artists and collectives in various world communities are mounting a growing opposition to the disregard of the extractive industries for ecological destruction and the disempowerment of local communities.

            The track addresses issues such as: Politics of the extractive industries; geo-politics, land appropriation, the commons; exploitative mining on indigenous lands; the impact of extractive industries on local and indigenous economies and livelihoods; gender roles in the exploitation of earth and natural resources; feminist justice strategies for the sharing of natural resources; and complex interdependencies between renewable energies and the extraction of minerals.

            Track Chairs:

            Catherine Bernard, State University New York Matt Garcia, Colorado State University Pueblo/ Desert ArtLAB

            Spaces – Encounters, Subjectivities + Environments

            This track aims at re-mapping space of co-agency among living organisms, assembling papers and artistic research projects that observe, question or speculate on a plurality of perspectives that condition or are conditioned by being ‘in’. Being – as we, I, they — ‘in’ something. Being – as everything that there is: Plants, animals, bacteria, sound, light, the planets – are ‘in’ something. The ‘in’ is constantly being modified. There is no ‘in’ as an identity to itself that can contain everything that there is and everything that we are; that can contain everything that there was, as well as everything that we were and wanted to be. The reciprocity among organisms and environments, and the idea that the structural and functional details of organisms are not completely coded by the genome, is explored from a point of view that considers space understood in a broad sense – as a fundamental factor that is intra-active, in continuous formation and in entangled relations of becoming, conditioned – and at the same time – that conditions the becoming of organisms and their behaviour. Space is something constructed and negotiated with and through many agents and agencies. Space hosts both physical and perceptive navigation and occupation.

            The question is ‘How’ to enter a physical-material space that proposes possible entangled modes of being in, becoming, constituting, as well as accepting the invisible and perceiving the immaterial ‘in’ spaces. The track addresses topics such as: Translating spaces; voices, wordings and non/humans; conversing with immaterial and invisible presences; reading bodies: navigations – occupations – relationalities; organisms and environments.

            Track Chairs:

            Ingrid Cogne, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna María Antonia González Valerio, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

            (Micro)biocontrol and Ethics of Care

            Among our commitment to practices that bend the hierarchies of power, biotechnologies and the biopolitical logics they are managed by, cannot stay out of the discussion. The bio/zoe track at POM Berlin assembles proposals critical to biocontrol and biosurveillance. It implies new logics on the distribution of life, death and pain (Braidotti 2013) by questioning human exceptionalism and transforming the relationship with non-humans and connected macro-systems. We are asking for ways of expanding our senses and understanding identity through biotech ventures and experimentations that explore the ramifications of the self. How biotechnological mediated bodies are transformed and what are the implications in terms of temporalities of care.

            Carol Gilligan (1982) introduces the notion of ethics of care as a form of interdependence valuing relationship, the importance of everyone being listened to carefully. Care is also fundamental to Anna Tsing’s (2017) ‘arts of living on a damaged planet’ and Donna Haraway’s (2016) stitching together of improbable collaborations without worrying over much about conventional ontological kind. This track reflects on working with living matter from transdisciplinary methodological approaches where art and the life sciences, function as material research into alternatives to deal with the challenges of the present. It addresses topics such as: Making kin and the ethics of care; challenging the structures of biocontrol and biosurveillance; adaptive strategies, including feminist making approaches to working with living organisms; composite/distributed identity and forms of non-human perception; and integrated self and applied microperformativity.

            Track Chairs:

            Mariana Perez Bobadilla, Waag Society Clio Flego, University of Genoa Marta de Menezes, Cultivamos Cultura Joel Ong, York University

            Open Science/Critical Spaces

            The movement of open science is rapidly expanding, bringing into being critical spaces that challenge established hierarchies of power. Giving communities the power to redefine their relationship to knowledge and production, labs across the globe are bringing together professional scientists, DIY practitioners, hackers, critical makers and activists to make new artefacts, conduct experiments, produce and analyse data, and to incite social and political change. Connecting open science to sustainable development means instigating bottom-up civic-driven approaches to issues such as education, health, gender, environmental sustainability and urban development.

            As local knowledge meets open technologies, a possibility to take issue with an unfolding ‘technocoloniality’ emerges – with the logics of coloniality driven by technology, neocapitalist practices, coloniality of knowledge and a rhetoric of techno-utopia. How do these communities assemble and prototype alternative visions, produce knowledge and initiate practices? What issues are being addressed and what potential do they hold? What are the opportunities and challenges of open science for sustainable development? This track addresses topics such as: Democratizing science and development; DIY tech – open source software, hardware and wetware for development; DIY biology, biotechnology, bioeconomy, open education and environmental activism; making in response to crisis; spaces and practices of techno-decoloniality.

            Track Chairs:

            Gameli Adzaho, Global Lab Network Ghana Thomas Mboa, Mboalab Cameroonn Khadidiatou Sall, SeeSD Senegal

            Interventions POM 2021

            Beyond Classification: The Machinic Sublime

            The gap between current technological development in AI and the complex and mysterious process of human intelligence remind us of the very intersections of the mundane and the sublime in our history. The journey towards machinic sublime might feel long and disoriented yet be a place to find the most important questions of today where hyperobjects of technoscience – such as the internal distribution of the brain or cognitive functioning in multi-species, the networked consciousnesses over social media, ecosystemic developments in mixed reality, edge sensing and smart homes – recast life in general as protean, plastic and ever in potentia.

            This intervention took place as an experimental theatric conversation/ performance via webconferencing, a new kind of Turing Test. In a multi-agent roundtable, human interlocutors and machinic partners argued the possibility of a machinic sublime, as these interlinked discussions became an emergent system.

            Robert Twomey, Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Eunsu Kang, Artist, Founder Women Art AI Joel Ong, Computational Arts, York University

            The Quantum Biology of Politics

            “The quantum mechanics of politics, then, demands from us an understanding that flux is neither good nor bad but inevitable” (Flora Lewis, November 6, 1983, Foreign Affairs’ column for The New York Times).

            This intervention invited artists and researchers to jump collectively from one space of possibility – where quantum mechanics asserts, we “don’t know” and “can’t know”; to the next – in which experimental techniques such as time-resolved microscopy, ultrafast spectroscopy, single molecule spectroscopy, or even single particle imaging enable us the precision of observing and measuring infinitesimal dynamics at very small length and time scales. What does quantum biology offer us as multiplicities and alternative realities when considering the attempt to subvert and confront absolute order, stability, and control in the socio-political sphere?

            An immersion in live video performances speculating on quantum effects in living systems, using DIY microscopy, data visualisation, machine learning, and other media art techniques.

            Clarissa Ribeiro, Art|Sci Collective, UCLA Mick Lorusso, Art|Sci Collective, UCLA

            Making Intimate Tech (M.I.T.)

            The M.I.T. (Making Intimate Tech) is an international group of practitioners who are engaged with the realm of intimacy, technology and self-actualisation. This is a community of feminist practitioners working with stigmatised or tabooed topics, including but not limited to: politics, sex, money, physical/mental health and interpersonal communication.

            Within this intervention, together with POM conference attendees, the M.I.T. collectively explored and compiled a framework for how to develop more empathic, emotional, and authentic relationships with technology in order to improve the well-being of all bodies.

            Kadin Herring, Independent researcher Marie Dietze, University of the Arts Berlin Dani Nikitenko, Design Farm Berlin Alice Stewart, Touchy Feely Tech Giulia Tomasello, ALMA Berlin Catherine Wieczorek-Berkes, Penn State University

            Training to Deal with Otherness Artificial intelligence and machine learning promise machines that learn from us. The myth of the machine that meets us as an equal has been with us since, at least, Licklider’s ‘Man-computer Symbiosis’. It is found in the idea of human-centred design, smart interfaces, and intelligent agents. In contrast, human-computer interaction has always been about how to perform commands and embody interfaces – about learning how to act like a machine.

            Acknowledging this, we assume that interaction occurs where technology eludes our expectations, where it needs to be repaired, kept running and performed, or where it develops behaviour that is unexpected and unpredictable. When machines behave in ways that are contrary to our expectations, our relationship to them will be challenged – and it might become apparent how many different actors are involved in their functioning. In these moments, machines become. Others with whom we have to find a way of dealing.

            This intervention brought together designers of future machine systems: Practitioners and students from three programs dealing with design and/of technology and the complex entanglement of teaching machines and being taught by them /

            Laura Popplow, Code & Context, Cologne University of Applied Sciences Christian Faubel, Code & Context, Cologne University of Applied Sciences Lasse Scherffig, KISD, Cologne University of Applied Sciences Andreas Muxel, Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, and students of all three programs


            Decolonizing the Machine

            Boris Abramovic, Grisha Coleman, Marco Donnarumma, Elizabeth Jochum & Christina Schoux Casey Decolonizing the Machine: Race, Gender and Disability in Robots and Algorithmic Art http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.1

            Suhun Lee Racial Data in Identity Construction of Intelligent Agents: Examining Conversations with BINA48 and Mythiccbeing http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.2

            Jessica Rajko Techno-Neoliberalism’s Body: Dance(r) Labor in Computing Research and Race as Always Already Additive http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.3

            Budhaditya Chattopadhyay On Pre-colonial Indigenous (Sound) Technologies http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.4

            Najam Ul-Assar Ethics of Digitizing Public Heritage http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.5

            Stacy Hsueh Politics of Inclusion and Lessons of Access from Disabled Artists http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.6

            Interferences of the Multitude

            Patrícia J. Reis, Taguhi Torosyan, Stefanie Wuschitz Interferences of the Multitude http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.7

            Selena Savić, Shintaro Miyazaki Modulating Matters of Computation, Modeling and Hyper-Separations http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.8

            Majken Overgaard, Kirsti Reitan Andersen, Mirabelle Jones & Irena Shklovski A Joint Expedition into the Future of Soft Tech http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.9

            Karin Reisinger & Petra Lilja sensing interdependency, experiencing embeddedness, extending the frame while zooming in http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.10

            Leon Lapa Pereira & Jacco Borggeve Becoming a Tomato – A Computational Performance http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.11

            Mariana Marangoni Scavenging Lost Worlds: The Aesthetics and Creative Possibilities of Internet Decay http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.12

            Jessica Renfro Co-authoring with the collective: An iterative design framework for participatory art http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.13

            Pamela Varela transcendence – trance ‘n dance http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.14

            Digging Earth

            Catherine Bernard Digging Earth: The Politics of the Extractive Industries on Indigenous Lands http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.15

            Jamie Allen Infrastructural Unrest http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.16

            André Mintz, Carlos Henrique Rezende Falci, Gabriel Aragão & Lohuama Lisboa Can we still remember those mountains? Breaking the world into pieces: Art and Mining Landscapes in Minas Gerais, Brazil http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.17

            Juan Pablo Pacheco Bejarano Ruins across the Atlantic: speculations on the colonial and mythological genealogies of the internet’s submarine infrastructure http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.18

            "Spaces – Encounters, Subjectivities + Environments"

            Donovan Stewart Skin and Scales: Two Thoughts in Ecological Times http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.19

            Janina Hoth Art-Science Research in Botany: Reinvestigating scientific representations of trees http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.20

            Elizabeth McTernan Andscapes: As the Bug Crawls http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.21

            Mari Keski-Korsu Love Me to Death: A Performative Ritual with Rats http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.22

            Matías G. Rodríguez-Mouriño Sympoietic soundscapes: Listening empathically to a-signifying semiotics http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.23

            Anja Wegner Fish Architecture – A framework to create Interspecies Spaces http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.24

            Yanai Toister & Nimrod Astarhan Spectral Choreographies: Electromagnetism after Conceptual Art http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.25

            Christina Gruber, Natalia Domínguez Rangel, Emil Flatø & Samuel Hertz Zugzwang* or the compulsion to find a common baseline in sound http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.26

            (Micro)biocontrol and Ethics of Care

            Marisa Satsia & Kit Kuksenok From data to matter: Anti-systematic interventions and explorations of the (micro)biopolitical self http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.27

            Sandra Nelson & Kate O’Riordan Defining LGBTQ+ Publics Through Consumer Genomics http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.28

            Feixuan Xu Gender Division of Labour: From human to silkworm in sericultural practice http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.29

            Lyndsey Walsh (R)EVOLUTION: Optogenetics and Interspecies Microperformance http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.30

            Open Science/Critical Spaces

            Stefanie Wuschitz & Astrid Reza Coded Feminisms in Indonesia http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.31

            Karl Raymond Kaddu Ssentongo Democracy, science and development: the nexus in the East African Community http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.32

            Laura Beloff Novel images? Artistic image creation with science and technology protocols: GANs and CRISPR-Cas9 http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.33

            Lars van der Miesen Simulacral Technologies and The Threefold Identity Crisis: can deepfakes effectuate a society-wide increase of imposter syndrome and feelings of inadequacy? http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.34

            Rogue Research

            Alfredo Lozano, Leslie García, Paloma López, Carles Tardío Pi & Mariana Perez-Bobadilla Art perspectives on coevolution and biodiversity, the hybrid microbial-AI organisms of Codex Virtualis Genesis http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.35

            Peter Friess Existence Beyond Transhumanism – Context-based Research-creation for Critical Art Making http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.36

            Diana Martinez Muñoz A.K.A Kin_Autómata About Becoming a Cybernetic Organism: Approach from the Sound Perception http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.37

            Diana Sanchez Botanycaring: Rethinking human-plants relationship through caring sensory interfaces http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.38

            Regine Rapp & Christian de Lutz Duelling Epistemologies. How Artists Hack Laboratories and Alter the Futures of Science http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.39

            Egor Kraft & Ekaterina Kormilitsyna Content Aware and Other Case Studies: Museum of Synthetic History http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.40

            Morten Søndergaard Rogue Things, Biotechnical Thresholds, and Post-cybernetic Museums: A Critique http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.41

            Jurij Dobriakov ‘No Culture No Future’: Virtuality and Its Discontents Reinvented http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.42

            Christoffer Horlitz, Ayodamola Tanimowo Okunseinde & Ella Hillström Glitching Digital Borders: Artists and New Border Systems http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.43

            Karin Ryding, Stina Hasse Jørgensen & Vasiliki Tsaknaki Sensing Places: Making Room for More-Than-Human Encounters in the City http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.44

            Piera Riccio, Kristin Bergaust, Boel Christensen-Scheel, Juan-Carlos De Martin, Maria A. Zuluaga & Stefano Nichele AI-based Artistic Representation of Emotions from EEG Signals: A Discussion on Fairness, Inclusion, and Aesthetics http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.45

            Lila Lee-Morrison Finding Pictures in the Sky: Machinic Visions of Cloudscapes http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.46

            Ellena Basada The Polluted Subject: Capitalism, Identity, and Ecology http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.47

            Rogue Interventions

            Lasse Scherffig, Laura Popplow, Christian Faubel, TH Köln, Andreas Muxel Training to deal with Otherness – rehearsing & maintaining human-machine relations http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.48

            Clarissa Ribeiro, Mick Lorusso, Victoria Vesna, James Gimzewski, Claudia Jacques, Kaitlin Bryson & Ivana Dama The Quantum Biology of Politics http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.49

            Joel Ong, Robert Twomey, Eunsu Kang & Kangsan Joshua Jin Beyond Classification: The Machinic Sublime http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.50

            Marie Dietze & Alice Stewart Intimacy in Design Processes – An Interim Reflection http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/POM2021.51

            Author and article information

            September 2021
            September 2021
            Copyright @ 2022

            This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

            Proceedings of Politics of the Machines - Rogue Research 2021
            POM 2021
            Berlin, Germany
            September 14-17, 2021
            Electronic Workshops in Computing (eWiC)
            debate and devise concepts and practices that seek to critically question and unravel novel modes of science

            1477-9358 BCS Learning & Development

            Self URI (journal page): https://ewic.bcs.org/
            Electronic Workshops in Computing

            Applied computer science,Computer science,Security & Cryptology,Graphics & Multimedia design,General computer science,Human-computer-interaction


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