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      Locating the Sound of Trauma Within me. In and Out of Memory: Exploring the Tension Between Remembering and Forgetting a Traumatic Event

      RE:SOUND 2019 – 8th International Conference on Media Art, Science, and Technology (RE:SOUND 2019)
      Media Art, Science, and Technology
      August 20-23, 2019
      Noise, Trauma, Hauntology, Freud, Jacques Derrida, Salome Voegelin, 9/11, Cathy Caruth


            The process of making sonic work for my PhD was very much about discovering the something that lay beyond the noise. Difficult to verbally articulate, or express through words, the something remained unknown until the violence of the noise was finally embodied. It was only through taking the noise into my body that the concept of silence could be fully comprehended. Simon Reynolds writes about noise as “a wordless state in which the very constitution of ourselves is in jeopardy,” “an eruption within the material out of which language is shaped” (2006). Noise: It’s 2012, I am seated in an auditorium in Plymouth, listening to noise musician Merzbow played really loudly by Salome Voegelin. I have a flashback. The past becomes present and the current present disappears. I am back in New York. The Twin Towers falling, and I am hearing their collapse for the first time, despite having been there on the day. This essay is an exploration of the differing qualities and layers of silence into which the loudness of the falling towers had become enmeshed and the necessity to unravel their noise in order to locate the concept of an inner silence.


            Author and article information

            August 2019
            August 2019
            : 181-188
            [0001]Plymouth University

            Transtechnology Research Group

            Drake Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA, United Kingdom
            © Walker. Published by BCS Learning and Development Ltd. Proceedings of RE:SOUND 2019

            This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

            RE:SOUND 2019 – 8th International Conference on Media Art, Science, and Technology
            RE:SOUND 2019
            Aalborg, Denmark
            August 20-23, 2019
            Electronic Workshops in Computing (eWiC)
            Media Art, Science, and Technology

            1477-9358 BCS Learning & Development

            Self URI (article page): https://www.scienceopen.com/hosted-document?doi=10.14236/ewic/RESOUND19.28
            Self URI (journal page): https://ewic.bcs.org/
            Electronic Workshops in Computing

            Applied computer science,Computer science,Security & Cryptology,Graphics & Multimedia design,General computer science,Human-computer-interaction
            Trauma,Cathy Caruth,Noise,Hauntology,Freud,Jacques Derrida,Salome Voegelin,9/11


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