Jack. Burnham 1980 Art and Technology: The Panacea that Failed The Myths of Information: Technology and Postindustrial Culture Kathleen M. Woodward Madison, WI Coda Press
Jack. Burnham 1968 Systems Esthetics Artforum 7 1
Maya. Deren 1946 An Anagram of Ideas on art, form and film Yonkers, New York Alicat Book Shop Press
Maya. Deren 1947 From the Notebook of Maya Deren, 1947 October 14 21 46
Maya Deren 1945 A Study in Choreography for Camera Independent Filmmaking in United States. 16mm Film (Black and White, Silent), 3min
Katherine. Diekmann 1985 Electra Myths: Video, Modernism, Postmodernism Art Journal 45 3 195 203
Hans. Haacke 1968 Photoelectric Viewercontrolled Coordinate System Various dimensions
Georg Wilhelm Friedrigh. Hegel 1954 The Philosophy of Hegel New York Modern Library
Noordegraaf JuliaCosetta G. SabaLe Maître BarbaraHediger Vinzenz 2013 Technological Platforms Preserving and Exhibiting Media Art: Challenges and Perspectives Amsterdam Amsterdam University Press 201 52
Gustav E. Mueller 1958 The Hegel Legend of “Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis.” Journal of the History of Ideas 19 3 411 14
Catrina. Neiman 1980 An Introduction to the Notebook of Maya Deren, 1947 October 14 315
Karl Pontus Hulten 1968 The Machine as Seen at the End of the Mechanical Age New York MoMA. Exhibition Catalogue
Hilton. Kramer 1982 The Modern Movement on the Eve of the Second World War The American Scholar 51 2 219 28
Jasia. Reichardt 1970 Cybernetic Serendipity: The Computer and the Arts London Studio International
Luke. Skrebowski 2008 All Systems Go: Recovering Hans Haacke’s Systems Art Grey Room 30 54 83
Malcolm. Turvey 1999 Can the Camera See? Mimesis in "Man with a Movie Camera" October 89 25 50
Dziga Vertov 1929 Man with a Movie Camera Ukraine VUFKU 1929 16mm Film, 68min