Keynote Speakers
Fran Allen
Vint Cerf
Tony Hoare
Richard Karp
Robin Milner
Michael Rabin
Joseph Sifakis
Invited Speakers
Andrew Campbell
Steve Furber
Laurie Hendren
Nick Jennings
Stephen Muggleton
Brigitte Plateau
Moshe Vardi
Conference Chair
Erol Gelenbe
Programme Chairs
Samson Abramsky
Vladimiro Sassone
Local Organisation
Moez Draief
Programme Committee
Christian Beckmann
Peter Buneman
Muffy Calder
George Costantinides
Yiannis Demiris
Anthony Finkelstein
Erol Gelenbe
Wendy Hall
Jennifer Hallinan
David Hutchison
Alex Rogers
Iain Stewart
Martyn Thomas
Federico Turkheimer
Mike Wooldridge
External Reviewers
Harith Alani
Saleem Bhatti
Julian Bradfield
Geogios Chalkiadakis
James Cheney
Stefan Dantchev
John Darlington
Hugh Davis
Edith Elkind
Paul Ezhilchelvan
Alessandro Farinelli
Michelle Galea
Lester Gilbert
Simon Harper
Jane Hillston
Johnathan Ishmael
Michael Mackay
Angelos Marnerides
Dave Millard
Kieron O’Hara
Daniel Paulusma
Dimitrios Pezaros
Gopal Ramchurn
Utz Roedig
Murray Shanahan
Manolis Sifalakis
Steven Simpson
Paul Smith
Issam Souilah
Roy Sterritt
Stefan Szeider
Balint Takacs
Christof Teuscher
Martyn Thomas
Alexander Tiskin
Ioannis Vetsikas
Antony Waldock
Mark Weal
Su White
Session 1: AI and Semantic Web
Subarthi Paul, Raj Jain, Jianli Pan & Mic Bowman A Vision of the Next Generation Internet: A Policy Oriented Perspective
Andrzej W. Przybyszewski Brain-Like Approximate Reasoning
David Corsar & Derek Sleeman Developing Knowledge-Based Systems using the Semantic Web
Erik Wilde & Martin Gaedke Web Engineering Revisited
Graham White Contexts for Human Action
Session 2: Automata and algorithms
Stefan Dantchev Dynamic Neighbourhood Cellular Automata
Maxime Crochemore & Ely Porat Computing a Longest Increasing Subsequence of Length k in Time O(n log log k)
Paul Cockshott, Andreas Koltes, John O'Donnell, Patrick Prosser & Wim Vanderbauwhede A Hardware Relaxation Paradigm for Solving NP-Hard Problems
Session 3: Medical and bioinformatics
Martin Wojtczyk, Michael Marszalek, Alois Knoll, Rüdiger Heidemann, Klaus Joeris, Chun Zhang, Mark Burnett & Tom Monica Automation of the Complete Sample Management in a Biotech Laboratory
Ross McFarlane & Irina V. Biktasheva Beatbox - A Computer Simulation Environment for Computational Biology of the Heart
Session 4: Logics and Foundations of Computation
Glynn Winskel Events, Causality and Symmetry
Corina Cîrstea, Alexander Kurz, Dirk Pattinson, Lutz Schröder & Yde Venema Modal Logics are Coalgebraic
Session 5: Decentralised and Complex Systems
Rocío Aldeco-Pérez & Luc Moreau Provenance-Based Auditing of Private Data Use
Gulay Oke & Georgios Loukas Distributed Defence Against Denial of Service Attacks: A Practical View
Session 6: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Mark S. Nixon, Cem Direkoglu, Xin U. Liu & David J. Hurley On Using Physical Analogies for Feature and Shape Extraction in Computer Vision
Faraj Alhwarin, Chao Wang, Dannijela Ristic-Durrant & Axel Gräser Improved SIFT-Features Matching for Object Recognition
Zakia Hammal, Miriam Kunz, Martin Arguin & Frédéric Gosselin Spontaneous Pain Expression Recognition in Video Sequences
Dragoljub Pokrajac, Natasa Reljin, Nebojsa Pejcic & Aleksandar Lazarevic Incremental Connectivity-Based Outlier Factor Algorithm
Arnab Sinha & Sumana Gupta Fast Estimation of Nonparametric Kernel Density Through PDDP, and its Application in Texture Synthesis
Session 7: Foundations
Arnold Beckmann & Faron Moller On the Complexity of Parity Games
Steffen van Bakel Subject Reduction vs Intersection
Kohei Honda & Nobuko Yoshida A Unified Theory of Program Logics: An Approach based on the n-Calculus
Peter D. Mosses Component-Based Description of Programming Languages
Peter Van Roy Overcoming Software Fragility with Interacting Feedback Loops and Reversible Phase Transitions
Session 8: Computer Architecture and Digital Systems
Ashish Darbari & Bashir M. Al-Hashimi Hardware Dependability in the Presence of Soft Errors
Qiang Liu, George A. Constantinides, Konstantinos Masselos & Peter Y.K. Cheung Compiling C-like Languages to FPGA Hardware: Some Novel Approaches Targeting Data Memory Organisation
Chadlia Jerad, Kamel Barkaoui & Amel Grissa Touzi On the Use of Real-Time Maude for Architecture Description and Verification: A Case Study
Andreas Fidjeland, Wayne Luk & Stephen Muggleton A Customisable Multiprocessor for Application-Optimised Inductive Logic Programming
Daniel Greenfield & Simon Moore Implications of Electronics Technology Trends to Algorithm Design
Session 9: Networks
Erol Gelenbe & Edith C.H. Ngai Adaptive Random Re-Routing for Differentiated QoS in Sensor Networks
Abdulhakim Ünlü & Albert Levi Two-Tier, Location-Aware and Highly Resilient Key Predistribution Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks
Session 10: Programming Languages
Jan Jürjens, Yijun Yu & Andreas Bauer Tools for Traceable Security Verification
Eric Bodden, Patrick Lam & Laurie Hendren Object representatives: a uniform abstraction for pointer information
Session 11: Grand Challenges
Susan Stepney, Samson Abramsky, Andy Adamatzky, Colin Johnson & Jon Timmis Grand Challenge 7: Journeys in Non-Classical Computation