The decline in capture fisheries of the world has necessitated the production of fish under different aquaculture systems to bridge the gap in demand. Aquaculture contributes about 50% of fish consumed worldwide. Today, the total annual fish production in Kenya is estimated at about 150,000 metric tons, against an annual demand of 500,000. With the ever-increasing human population and demand for fish, technologies to improve aquaculture production must be embraced to bridge fish supply gap and to achieve nutritional sufficiency. One of these technologies is cage aquaculture which is the rearing of fish(es) in water bodies like dams, lakes, ponds and reservoirs in floating enclosures that allow free flow and exchange of water between the cage the outer water body. The frames of the cages can be made from bamboo, metal or High-Density Poly Ethylene (HDPE). With the challenges associated with pond aquaculture such as competition for land with other uses and susceptibility to floods, cage aquaculture has gained recognition and is rapidly expanding in Kenya and the world over. In Kenya, for example, the use of cages to produce fish is relatively new and is being practised in Lake Victoria in the five riparian Counties of Migori, Homabay, Kisumu, Siaya and Busia (Anjejo, 2017). These cages have several negative impacts on the lakes environment as highlighted below.
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] Department of Fisheries and Natural Resources, Maseno University, P. O. Box, Provate
Bag, Maseno, Kenya
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