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      Why do spacecraft always experience a black-out area  that disrupts communications when they return to Earth?

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            Revision notes

            1.Key words:

            Added Electrodynamics, Special relativity




            “Due to the very thin atmosphere of Mars, its density is less than 1% of the Earth's atmosphere, the initial speed of the Mars lander  entering the Martian atmosphere to generate the blackout is 5.9km/s and 7.26km/s [1], which  is lower than the initial speed of 7.9km/s of the Earth return capsule entering the blackout area. So the idea that the blackout on the Mars lander is caused by a sheath of plasma created by  the lander's rapid friction with the Martian atmosphere is questionable.”


            is changed to


            Because the Martian atmosphere is very thin, its density is less than 1% of the Earth atmosphere, and the initial speed of the Mars lander entering the Martian atmosphere to generate the blackout is between 4.7km/s and 7.26km/s [2], which is lower than the initial speed of the Earth return capsule entering the blackout region (greater than the first cosmic speed of 7.9km/s). So the idea that the blackout created by the Mars lander is caused by a sheath of plasma created by the lander's rapid friction with the Martian atmosphere does not stand up to scrutiny. 


            3.The modifications of Lorentz factor and Lorentz transformations:

            Formula (3) has been modified.


            4.In-depth analysis of the cause of the blackout:

            1)Added in the section 1. When the antenna of the capsule receives the radio signal from the ground antenna:

            In addition to the size of , the speed of change of  also contributes to the formation of the blackout. From the formulas (11-2), (11-3), (11-5) and (11-6), it can be seen that the faster the change of , the faster the change of the size of γ', , ,  and , so the greater the impact on the signal quality of communication.


            2)Added in the section 2. When the ground antenna receives the radio signal from the antenna of the capsule:

            In addition to the size of , the speed of change of  also contributes to the formation of the blackout. From the formulas (13-2), (13-3), (13-5) and (13-6), it can be seen that the faster the change of , the faster the change of the size of γ'Ey、EzByBz, so the greater the impact on the signal quality of communication. 


            3)The following paragraph has been added:“The specific process of producing the blackout when the re-entry capsule returns to the Earth is as follows: when the re-entry capsule just enters the atmosphere, the gravitational field strength is not strong enough, that is,  is not large enough, so γ' is not large enough, so there is no blackout. As the height of the capsule continues to decrease, the velocity of the capsule and the strength of the gravitational field are increasing, that is,  (or γ') is increasing, and when  (or γ') is greater than a certain value, the blackout begins to emerge. On the other hand, as the altitude of the re-entry capsule continues to decrease, the atmospheric density of the atmosphere also continues to increase, which causes the speed of the re-entry capsule to increase to a certain maximum and then start to decline. When the height drops to a certain degree,  (or γ') begins to decrease, and when  (or γ') is small to a certain value, the blackout disappears. 


            5.Further modification of Lorentz factor and Lorentz transformations:The chapter has been rewritten.

            6.Conclusions:The Conclusions chapter has been rewritten.

            7.Discussions:The Discussions chapter has been rewritten.

            8.References:Reference [9] has been added in the References chapter. 



            In this paper, Lorentz factor and Lorentz transformations are modified based on the new ether theory, and the blackout which leads to communication interruption of high-speed moving objects is analyzed by using the modified Lorentz electromagnetic field transformation formula. It is concluded that blackout is caused by the change of wave form of electromagnetic wave from stationary energy space (etheric reference frame) to moving medium (etheric reference frame) or from moving medium to stationary energy space.


            Author and article information

            ScienceOpen Preprints
            12 November 2024
            [1 ] Shenzhen University;
            Author notes
            Author information

            This work has been published open access under Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0 , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Conditions, terms of use and publishing policy can be found at www.scienceopen.com .

            : 17 July 2023

            All data generated or analysed during this study are included in this published article (and its supplementary information files).
            Blackout, Blackout zone, Blackout area, Plasma sheath, Maxwell equations, Maxwell equations of moving media


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