Eco-theology, a subset of science and religion, the old rivals is emerging as one oft he alternatives to environmental protection. Therefore this study did a content analysis oft he teaching contents employed for environmental education in the religious education curricula from basic schools to high schools in Ghana, a highly religious country faced withe nvironmental problems.
The religious education curricula for grade 1-12 from elementary school to senior highs chool contain easily identifiable concepts of environmental education. The curricula soughtt o shape in students characters care for the environment, sought to teach eco-spiritualty conditioning ecological beliefs about nature destiny, teach subject specific practices about morals, character and attitude as well as tutor personal and social values that are essential for individual and societal growth and development.
However, the religious education curricula lacked clarification of the distinction between the role of God and the role of man in environmental protection which may leave room for misconceptions in eco-theology. However, no amendments on applying pragmatic solutions trying how Refutation Texts can impact Conceptual Change in Eco-Theology edification has been realised, therefore further studies on this topic is being implemented.