This volume offers a description of the Nuxalk language as recorded by myself in Bella Coola (British Columbia, Canada) in the summers of 1972-75, and intermittently from 1977 until 1988. The grammar and lexicon are based on Nater 1983 and Nater 1990, and include Nuxalk morphemes, derivations, and sample phrases and sentences. In order to illustrate traditional language use, I present twenty-one narratives as well. Number codes inserted in the lexicon link entries with sections of the grammar (e.g. 10.5 = spatial prefixes). Data pertaining to origins and affiliations (etymologies) of Nuxalk morphemes are provided, and Boas 1910, McIlwraith 1948, Davis & Saunders 1980, and Saunders’ Nuxalk database are quoted where their data diverge significantly from, or are more exhaustive than, mine.