This research was conducted to find out whether the test items are good or weak and need to be revised and the possible cause of why the test items are weak, and to propose the alternative of the revision for the weak items of summative test of second semester of first grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Maiwa for academic year 2018/2019.This research employed quantitative and qualitative method that. The population in this research will be the first grade student of SMP Negeri 1 Maiwa it consist of two classes and the total population are 50 students where automotive Department consists 20 students and Machine-technique department 20 students. The instrument used in this research was the researcher utilizes semi-structured interviews and recorded in qualitative method. The result of this research showed that, for the multiple choice which was consist of 10 items; the index of difficult has the result analysis on average 81.43% of seven items in very easy level, on average 68.75% of two item in medium level and on average 22.50% of one item in difficult level. The discriminating power has the result analysis on average 28.18%. The effectiveness of distracter has the result analysis on average with four choices of answers (A, B, C & D) sequential item number 1 up to 10 namely: A (sangat buruk, baik, buruk, sangat buruk, kunci jawaban, baik, buruk, kunci jawaban, kunci jawaban, kunci jawaban), B (buruk, kunci jawaban, kunci jawaban, kunci jawaban, buruk, baik, kunci jawaban, buruk, sangat buruk, sangat buruk),C (kunci jawaban, buruk, buruk, buruk, kurang baik, kunci jawaban, baik, buruk, buruk, buruk), D (buruk baik, buruk, buruk, baik, kurang baik, buruk, buruk, buruk, buruk). For the essay test which was consist of 15 items; the index of difficult has the result analysis on average 85.91% of five items in very easy level, on average 78.64% of five items in easy level and on average 54.00% of five items in medium level. The discriminating power has the result analysis on average 29.37%.