•Shortage of donor tissues and organs has been recognized as one of the major challenges to public health care. Moreover, the total cost incurred in terms of caring for the patients with failing organs and devitalizing diseases is exorbitant.
•In contrast, natural products extracted from plants primarily medicinal plants do not have such shortcomings.
•Temperate forests of Kashmir Himalayas are endowed with a rich diversity of 82 medicinal plants utilized to cure various diseases.
•Although, these plants have been reported to have value in burn, wound, fracture healing, ageing therapeutics and medications, it therefore could be useful in regenerative medicine and could also generate biomedical markets.
Khan Shaista, Masoodi T.H., Islam M.A., Wani A.A., Gattoo A.A.. Ethnomedicinal study of wild plants used by fringe communities in Temperate Forests of Himalayan Kashmir, India. Phytomedicine Plus. Vol. 2(2)2022. Elsevier BV. [Cross Ref]