We have statistically verified Ada’s the earthquake prediction records whichfrom 2011 to 2022,who is the sixth player in the second finals of China AETA in 2021,(1)He has made 147 imminent earthquake predictions in 12 years (including 60% of the earthquakes with magnitude 5.5), andthe prediction accuracy is more than 70%, the confidence level is 95%.Since the reliable earthquake precursor signal described by Ada is quite consistent with the characteristics of Alfven wave, based on the Alfven (Q G) wave model proposed by Gillette etal ,(2) this papermakea hypothesis how to trigger an impending earthquake:whilethe plume of the upper mantle invades the lithosphere of the asthenosphere, the cold and hot melt mass in the interior of the earth have upward and downward convection, It is possible to form bulk and surface plasma sheet in the asthenosphere, and forming the Alfven nonlinear isolated wavelet. So thatthe Alfven wave frequently disturbs the geomagnetic field, releasing huge heat and kinetic energy to trigger earthquakes.
In order to explain how Ada senses complex phenomena such as Alfven waves and how to locate the epicenter of earthquakes, we boldly speculate that there may be special magnetic induction cells in people who use human specific functions to predict earthquakes, and try to analyze how the advanced biological neural system decodes earthquake precursors and the algorithm process of locating the epicenter, and put forward several viewpoints that are worthy of advanced science and in-depth study.