The poster presents the results of the analysis of the historical dynamics in the development of the language situation in the process of interaction of the forms of existence, of its components in the various spheres of their realization. Culture, in its essence, is a complex of shared values, goals, behaviors, and practices that is characteristic of an organization or group. It is a historical fact that by means of the Organic Statute three official languages are imposed in Eastern Roumelia: Bulgarian, Turkish, and Greek. Even then, the district was considered multinational. According to an amendment proposed by the Russian representatives in the then commission on the formation of the Eastern Roumelia, the language of the predominant population is accepted as the official language in the relevant places. In this way, the Bulgarian language is imposed as the official language in almost all of Eastern Roumelia. In the city of Plovdiv, since it was the capital of the newly created Eastern Rоumelia after the Russo-Turkish war, a multi-ethnic and multilingual environment already exists, which makes a specific city – a phenomenon. In the city, through a combination of appropriate educational practices, a targeted policy toward development and support in a multicultural and multilingual environment, as well as numerous joint initiatives between ethnic groups through time, a functioning civilizational model is being created. From the point of view of historical sources, in the city of Plovdiv in the 19th century lived 250 Jewish families, 180 Armenian families, and 400 Bulgarian-Catholic families. The multicultural composition, respectively the multilingual diversity, of the city of Plovdiv, has been preserved and expanded until modern times. After analyzing all the data from the historical sources, the statistical data from the population censuses of the city of Plovdiv, respectively deriving its ethnic composition and paying attention to the percentage ratio of the individual languages, we derived and now we present a particular formula, which that describes the essence appearance of the city of Plovdiv.The authors express sincere gratitude to the Scientific Research Fund at the Ministry of Education and Science and the "Scientific and Project Activity" Division at Plovdiv University "PaisiiHilendarski" for the assistance provided.