The children have grown up with a vast array of electronic devices at their fingertips. They can't imagine a world without smartphones, tablets, and the internet. The advances in technology mean today's parents are the first generation who have to figure out how to limit screen time for children. While digital devices can provide endless hours of entertainment and they can offer educational content, unlimited screen time can be harmful.The TV on all the time or the whole family sits around staring at their smartphones, too screen time could be harmful. The dangers of screen time focus on children. But, it's important to recognize that adults may experience many of the same harmful effects as well, like obesity and sleep problems. It's important for you to set healthy limits on your electronics use for your own sake, as well as your child's sake.With the advent of our favorite technological tools comes the responsibility to ensure our children and students are using them appropriately and in a way that benefits their well-being and education overall. Consider the following key practices to make the best use of screen time for all. parental involvement and quality programming can enhance a child’s wellbeing and education when it comes to using technology with your children. By researching your child’s apps and choosing only the highest quality programs, your child can get the most out of their screen time! As kids grow older, parenthood becomes less about play dates and changing diapers, and more about just figuring out how to manage kids’ screen time in our ever-evolving technological world! Luckily striking the right balance between technology and everything else doesn’t need to be difficult or stressful.