The future of clinical trials is changing rapidly due to the introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to study the clinically significant patterns and algorithms generated upon the input from the trial. The high failure rates in the clinical trials leads to inefficient drug development cycle which increases expenses of the pharmaceutical industry. The technique of artificial intelligence allows the decision makers to study the clinical trials in real life conditions which increases the accuracy of the trials. Thus, decreasing the burden of the pharmaceutical industry and increasing the success rates of the trial. Moreover, clinical trial is a much time-consuming process involving 10-15 years for just one drug molecule with lot of investment. The use clinical trial can reduce the time required for the trial and its investment reduces to one half. With the use of the AI powered clinical trials one drug from every 100 drugs passes this phase easily with genuine results which is much greater than the conventional procedure. Rather the use of clinical trials can help in automated documentation of the clinical trial data under the database of the concerned company be retrieved and accessed very easily. The future of AI will include generation of precision medicine and even prediction of drug resistance in clinical trials.