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      Psychosocial risks in the working environment : Approaches to formative risk assessment

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            The following explanations are based on the central reference points and results of the basic research project on psychosocial risks in the world of work, which was funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). The aim of this project was to develop a formative risk assessment of psychosocial risks in the world of work with a special focus on the dynamic interdependencies between gainful employment and care work as well as structural work stress and subjectively perceived work stress. The result of this project is a theoretical-generic model of a formative risk assessment, which can be specifically configured for different stakeholder groups and was operationalized as a psychotherapeutic medical product via the Innosuisse project "SELBA" (Self Recognize, Understand, Change and Monitor Work Stresses and Strains).


            Author and article information

            ScienceOpen Preprints
            13 March 2023
            [1 ] Institute for Social Work and Spaces, OST - Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, St. Gallen, Switzerland;
            [2 ] IMS Institute for Modeling and Simulation, OST - Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, St. Gallen, Switzerland;
            [3 ] Head Physician Psychosomatic & Psychiatry, Klinik Gais - Kliniken Valenz, Switzerland;
            Author notes
            Author information

            This work has been published open access under Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0 , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Conditions, terms of use and publishing policy can be found at www.scienceopen.com .

            : 13 March 2023
            Funded by: funder-id http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100013348, Innosuisse - Schweizerische Agentur für Innovationsförderung;
            Award ID: 53268.1 IP-LS
            Funded by: funder-id http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001711, Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung;
            Award ID: 10001A_178934

            The data that support the findings of this study are available from Data Mining Set 1 https://github.com/ims-fhs/shp, Data Mining Set 2 https://github.com/ims-fhs/psy, Interviews and evaluation data with patients are not publicly available. but restrictions apply to the availability of these data, which were used under license for the current study, and so are not publicly available. Data are however available from the authors upon reasonable request and with permission of Data Mining Set 1 https://github.com/ims-fhs/shp, Data Mining Set 2 https://github.com/ims-fhs/psy, Interviews and evaluation data with patients are not publicly available..
            Sociology,Psychology,General social science,Mathematical modeling & Computation
            Risk assessment,subject science,psychosocial risks, system dynamics,blended therapy,transactional stress model


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