Information systems are integral parts of an organization that plays a vital role in the management of its activities. They help the organization to meet its goals and objectives by delivering output efficiently. Raw material information is collected in a database to be used for processing and storage. The Database Management system is software designed to manage the data effectively and efficiently. End-users can use a DBMS to create, protect, read, update, and delete data in a database. It provides a centralized view of data that can be accessed in a controlled manner by multiple users from multiple locations. We present a new and simple method for integrating different databases on browser-based support that is easier to manage. The proposed Database Management System (DBMS) will also include backup capabilities to help in database recovery in the event of a failure.
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Fagin Ronald, Kimelfeld Benny, Li Yunyao, Raghavan Sriram, Vaithyanathan Shivakumar. Understanding queries in a search database system. Proceedings of the twenty-ninth ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on Principles of database systems of data - PODS '10. 2010. ACM Press. [Cross Ref]
Győrödi Cornelia A., Dumşe-Burescu Diana V., Győrödi Robert Ş., Zmaranda Doina R., Bandici Livia, Popescu Daniela E.. Performance Impact of Optimization Methods on MySQL Document-Based and Relational Databases. Applied Sciences. Vol. 11(15)2021. MDPI AG. [Cross Ref]