Over 20 years after Francis Fukuyama's prediction of "the end of history" the socialist countries are thriving. Nevertheless, these countries are under constant attack by the forces of bourgeois liberalization. Bourgeois liberalization claims to be a path forward to modernity, but it actually leads to social collapse, gangsterism, fascism, and subjugation by imperialism. Bourgeois liberalization does not lead to genuine modernity; it leads to the capitalist perversion of modernity. Socialism is the system that works to fulfill the ideals of genuine modernity. Key arguments used by the bourgeois liberalizers to denigrate socialism are analyzed and refuted: it is shown that in contrast to capitalism, the shortcomings of socialism are not structural and therefore can be solved within the socialist system, that markets are compatible with socialist society and are not a sign of the failure of socialism, and that the current period of development of the socialist countries is actually faster and more peaceful than comparable periods of development of the capitalist countries. It is noted that the source of socialism's superiority is its ability to free humanity from absolute slavery to the law of value as well as commodity fetishism, fetishism of markets, and profit maximization. Ten ways that socialism can save civilization are discussed. It is strongly affirmed that resistance to bourgeois liberalization is an essential condition for preserving the socialist countries so they can live on to fulfill their civilization-saving potential and contribute to genuine renewal of the modern world. In conclusion, seven principles for promoting the future progressive development of socialism are discussed, among the most important are: continuing on the socialist path, rejecting capitalist markets while perfecting socialist markets, and preserving the leading role of the communist party.
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