The objective of this article is to present: preliminary findings on intra-regional trade within the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) for the 2000-09 period; a conceptualisation for the classification/codification of grandnational enterprises and projects (GNEPs) to which this trade is related; and a model of grandnational enterprises and projects' production and distribution chain. This work is part of a broader ongoing research, the objective of which is to map intra-ALBA trade and production with grandnational enterprises and projects' production and distribution chains. A descriptive conclusive research design with mixed methods was utilised. Descriptive quantitative methods were used to analyse data from the United Nations' Commodity Trade database (UN Comtrade). Qualitative methods were used to analyse and interpret secondary data on grandnational enterprises and projects that aided in creating the codification/classification.
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