[A look at legislative effort in Pakistan with respect to women and family between 2008 and 2010 reveals that legislators' approach is not reflective of the indigenous needs and dynamics of the society. Concern for issues is there, but commitment, evidently, is missing. Lack of consistency is noted, as most of the bills were moved with fanfare in the first legislative year (2008) but little follow-up and real progress was witnessed in subsequent two years, 2009 and 2010. Moreover, bills were submitted, by and large, without proper research and required attention - showing lack of interest and professionalism. As use of law should be the last recourse in resolutions of disputes related to the institution of family, this dimension needs to take precedence over all others.]
2003 CLC 1450
2000 CLC 1725
PLD 2001 Lah 188
2003 CLC 1213
1990 CLC 1908
2000 CLC 1725
Sec. 10 of Family Courts Act, 1964
Section 9 of Family Courts Act, 1964
Mulla, D.F., principles of Muhammadan Law, Section 579
Sec. 2 of the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961
1981 CLC 78
1974 SCMR 305
PLD 1963 Lah. 534
PLD 1981 Lah. 393
Daily Dawn, Karachi, December 25, 2009
The News, June 12, 2010
USA http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/content/intimate/ipv.cfm; http://www.eurowrc.org/01.eurowrc/04.eurowrcen /26.en ewrc.htm (both accessed on June 22, 2010)
Khurshid Ahmad, 1974, Family Life in Islam,. Leicester: Islamic Foundation.
Council of Islamic Ideology, Final Report on Examination of Laws, Dec. 1996: Islamabad, pp. 269, 291-293
Daily Dawn, Karachi, August 25, 2009
The News, June 12, 2010
Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2010' and 'Protection Against Harassment of Women at the Workplace Act, 2010'
Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Ordinance, 2007' and 'National Vocational and Technical Education Commission Ordinance, 2009'
Muslim Family Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2008; Guardians and Wards (Amendment) Bill, 2008; Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Bill, 2008; National Commission for Human Rights Bill, 2008
Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the National Assembly, 2007
Rule 118 (5) of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the National Assembly 2007