[The United States is going to start off the well-publicized withdrawal of coalition forces from Afghanistan. This will signify a major shift of US strategic designs in the region: from short-time tactical operation to long-term strategic presence. The US forces in Afghanistan will likely be further reduced in due time, but the US efforts for transforming Afghanistan into a strategic stronghold will be enhanced. Such a shift will undoubtedly bring about a major implication for China, as a neutral and stable Afghanistan is in its interest. It is thus recommended to make joint efforts with like-minded countries to prevent Afghanistan from sliding into chaos and thus jeopardizing China, and to prevent the perpetualization of US strategic presence in Afghanistan.]
Mingxing, "Obama's Design in Afghanistan?"
Khan, "Afghanistan and its Geopolitical Environment, 19.
MacAskill, "US Warns Against Afghanistan Troop Withdrawal."
"US Targets 2014 Withdrawal From Afghanistan," Rediff, November 19, 2010. http://www.rediff.com/news/report/us-targets-2014-withdrawal-from- afghanistan/20101 119.htm.
"US 'Well-positioned' To Start Afghan Withdrawal -Gates," BBC News, March 7, 2011. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-12662121.
Liang and Wang Yan, "Withdrawal From Afghanistan Will Last Years."
MacAskill, Op. cit.
Dyer, "Obama to Press China on Afghanistan." Also see "Should China Send Troops to Afghanistan," Xinhua Net, January 4, 2010. http://news.xinhuanet.com/mil/2010- 01/04/content_12751770.htm.
Khan, Op. cit., 23.
Jiabo, "Afghanistan: Battlefield or Platform."