[Human rights constitute one of the most discussed topics in contemporary times.Islamic term for human rights is al-haqq and is generally being used in almost the same meaning and connotation as the expression human rights in Western discourse.The meaning of al-haqq, however, is not confined to human rights and is used as a key-term in Islamic texts in different connotations with one core meaning of 'established fact'. In the context of human rights it means a proven obligation, or an established claim that cannot be denied. Allah is the source and guarantor of rights hence all rights are inalienable and permanent. Thus normative structure of rights in Islam is fundamentally different from that of West.]
Azzam, Universal Islamic Declaration of Human Rights.
Al-Zarqa, Al-Madkhal al-Fiqhi al-Aamm.
Kamali, "An Analysis of Right (haqq) in Islamic Law," 341-65.
MacDonald, "Hakk," 82.
Isfahani, Mufardat al-Qur'an.
Caspari, A Grammar of the Arabic language; Al-Qazwini, Mu'jam maqayis al-lughah-, Chirthawli, Kitab us Srf.
B'albaki, A Modern English; Salmone, An Advanced Learner's Arabic- English Dictionary.
Wortabet, Wortabet's Arabic - English Dictionary.
Al-Jurjani, Kitab al-Tareefat, 121 -23.
Abul-Baqi, M-M'jam al-Mufras li alfad al-Qur'an al-Karim.
Al-Qur'an, 36:07.
Al-Qur'an, 08:08.
Al-Qur'an, 17:81.
Al-Qur'an, 02:241.
Al-Qur'an, 51:19.
Tafseer of 10: 32.
Al-Qur'an, 22:06.
Al-Qur'an, 10:05.
Al-Qur'an, 03:86.
Al-Qur'an, 02:26.
Al-Qur'an, 03:60.
Al-Qur'an, 09:33.
Ibn-Manzur, Lisan al-'Arab.
Al-Qur'an. 10:32.
Al-Qur'an, 03:71.
Qil'aji, Mu'jam Lugha al-Fuquha Arabi.
'Ankawi, Hashia Oamar al-Aamar 'ala Sharah al-Minar.
Al-Khafif, N-Haqq wa al-Zimmah. 32.
Al-Zarqa, Al-Madkhal Ha Nazarya fi al-Fiqh, 10.
Yusuf, Al-Fiah al-Islami, 211.
'Abdul Rahim, Principles of Mohammedan Jurisprudence, 57.
Al-Razi, Miftah al-Ghaib, 354.
Ibn-Nujaym, A l-Bahr al-Ra'ia Sharh Kanz al-Daaa'ia.
Musa, M-Fiqh al-Islami, 21.
Al-Khafif. M-Haaa wa al-Zimmah.
Sinnah. "Nazaryat al-Haqq."
Tabataba'I, Bilaghat al-Fiqh, 3.
Al-Naini, Munyat al-Talib, 41.
Hasan, Principle of Islamic Jurisprudence, 23; Nyazee, Outlines of Islamic Jurisprudence; Hassan, An Introduction to the Study of Islamic Law; Kamali, Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence.
Hasan, op. cit.. 230-49.
Ibid., 251-60.
Ibid., 292-4.
AI-Zuhaili, Al-fiqh Al-Islami wa Addilatahu 8; Al-Zuhaili (a), Nazariyyat al-Darurah al-Shari'ah, 50.
Ibid., 41.
Mohammed, Usui ai-Sarakhsi, 120.
Hassan, Al-Hukum al-Shar'i 'inda al-Usuiiyyin.
Abdul Rahim, op. cit.
Al-Zuhail¡, op. cit.