Eiichi Nakamura is an old friend. We first met in 1977 at Columbia University when he had just started his postdoctoral research with Gilbert Stork, and I was on my way to Madison, Wisconsin, to begin my postdoctoral research with Barry M. Trost. Over the following 44 years, we have had many opportunities to meet in various countries. I have always enjoyed Eiichi’s original science and Baroque flute music. He and his wife Yoko Nakamura visited my family at our home in Israel, and I had a chance to spend time in their beautiful home in Tokyo. Hence, I found it peculiar to conduct a friendly conversation over Zoom. But electronic communication has become an integral part of our life during the Covid-19 pandemic. It was a relaxed weekend in late October 2021, early morning in Israel and afternoon in Tokyo. It was as close as possible to a face-to-face meeting, spending a couple of hours together while staying in our home offices.