Review of African Political Economy

Volume 36, Issue 120
01 June 2009
Review of African Political Economy (ROAPE)
ROAPE Publisher

Table of contents

Conflict and Peace in the Horn of Africa151
Jan Burgess – Retirement
The Ethiopia–Eritrea Conflict and the Search for Peace in the Horn of Africa167
Post-war Ethiopia: The Trajectories of Crisis181
The End of Democracy? Curtailing Political and Civil Rights in Ethiopia193
The Politics of Silence: Interpreting Stasis in Contemporary Eritrea209
Somalia: ‘They Created a Desert and Called it Peace(building)’223
How Liberal Peacebuilding May Be Failing Sierra Leone235
Revisiting Pedagogy of the Oppressed: Paulo Freire and Contemporary African Studies253
In memoriam Chris Allen (8 December 1942–29 September 2008)271
Development in Africa: What is the Cutting Edge in Thinking and Policy?

What Will the World Financial Crisis Do to Africa?283
Angola: Thirty Years of Dos Santos287
‘Dollarisation’ in Zimbabwe and the Death of an Industry294
Carbon Trading: A Critical Conversation on Climate Change, Privatisation and Power301
Revolt and Protest: Student Politics and Activism in Sub-Saharan Africa302
The Globalizers: The IMF, the World Bank, and Their Borrowers304
Mineworkers in Zambia: Labour and Political Change in Post-Colonial Africa305
High Stakes and Stakeholders. Oil Conflict and Security in Nigeria307
Becoming Somaliland308