
Volume 15, Issue 3
01 December 1997
Prometheus. Critical Studies in Innovation
Pluto Journals

Table of contents

HTSF Marketing and Customer Education: A Role for a Technology Awareness Programme?293
Catching Up or Marking Time? Technology Transfer and Market Fragmentation in Australia309
Innovation and the Patent Attorney329
Reluctance to Innovate: A Case Study of the Titanium Dioxide Industry345
The United States and the Global Information Infrastructure: Orchestrator, Functionary, or Mediator?357
Stormy Weather: Grid-connected Solar and Wind Energy in Victoria369
Plant Pathology in Western Australia: The Contributions of an Australian Woman Scientist387
A Contextualising, Socio-technical Definition of Technology: Learning from Ancient Greece and Foucault399
Beyond Competition: The Future of Telecommunications, Donald M. Lamberton (Ed.), Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1995, viii + 416 pp., AU$177.25, ISBN 0 4448 2252 6409
Innovation, Welfare and Industrial Structure: An Evolutionary Analysis, Timothy M. Wakeley, Aldershot, Avebury, 1997, xiii + 173 pp., £32.50, ISBN 1 8597 2391 8412
For the Common Good: CSIRO and Public Sector Research and Development, Peter Ewer (Ed.), Sydney, Pluto Press, 1995, ix + 102 pp., AU$19.95, ISBN 1 8640 3024 0413
The Diffusion of Information Technology: Experience of Industrial Countries and Lessons for Developing Countries, A World Bank Discussion Paper, No. 281, Nagy Hanna, Ken Guy & Erik Arnold, Washington, DC, The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, The World Bank, 1995, xix + 207 pp., ISBN 0 8213 3216 3 416
Local Matters—Perspectives on the Globalisation of Technology, John Phillimore (Ed.), Perth, Western Australia, Institute for Science and Technology Policy Murdoch University, 1995, xii + 186pp., AU$ 15.00, ISBN 0 8690 5411 2 419
The Shaping of Automation: A Historical Analysis of the Interaction Between Technology and Organization 1950–1985, Dirk de Wit, Hilversum, Uitgeverij Verloren, 1994, 409 pp., f 69, ISBN 9 0655 0414 1422
Managers and Innovation: Strategies for a Biotechnology, John Howells, London, Routledge, 1994, xii + 241 pp., £42.00, ISBN 0 4150 8590 X424
Women in Science, Engineering and Technology, Women in Science, Engineering and Technology Advisory Group, Office of the Chief Scientist, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Canberra, Australia, Australian Govemment Publishing Service, 1995, 78pp., Free, ISBN 0 6444 5467 9 427
The Environmental Imperative: Eco-social Concerns for Australian Agriculture, Frank Vanclay & Geoffrey Lawrence, Rockhampton, Australia, Central Qyeensland University Press, 1995, xxvi + 203 pp., AU$19.95 ISBN 1 8759 9800 4 430
The Trouble with Computers: Usefulness, Usability, and Productivity, Thomas K. Landauer, Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 1995, x + 425 pp. US$27.50 (hbk), ISBN 0 262 1 2186 7433
The Politics of Space: A History of US-Soviet/Russian Competition, Matthew J. Von Bencke, Boulder, CO, Westview Press, 1997, viii + 264 pp., US$49.95, ISBN 0 8133 3192 7436
Economics and Biology, Geoffr ey M. Hodgson (Ed.), Aldershot, Edward Elgar, 1995, xxv + 598 pp., AU$233.75, ISBN 1 8589 8050 X439
Convergence: The Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, Julia Knight and Alexis Weedon (Eds), Luton, John Libbey Media, ISSN 1354-8565
Failure and Lessons Learned in Infonnation Technology Management: An International Journal, Jay Liebowitz (Editor-in-Chief), New York, Sydney, Tokyo, Cognizant Communication Corporation, ISBN 1088-128X
Communicatio: South African Journal for Communication Theory and Research, Pieter J. Fourie (Ed.), Pretoria, South Africa, University of South Africa, ISSN 0250-0167
Communication Research Trends: A Quarterly Review of Communfcarion Research W.E. Berinatski, SJ (Ed.), St Louis, Missouri, Center fir the Study of Communication and Culture, St Louis University, ISSN 0144-4646
Handbook of Conununication Technologies 1996: Telecommunications and Corporate Networking in Southern Africa and Selected African Countries, BMi TechKnowledge, Johannesburg, International Data Corporation, South Africa, 1996, 377 pp., no ISBN auailable
Empowering Communities in the Informacion Society: Conference Proceedings, Compiled by J.D. Berlyn, Development Bank of South Africa, 1996, 215 pp., ISBN 1 9196 9213 4
White Paper on Science and Technology: Preparing for the 21st Century, South African Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology, Pretoria, Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology, 1996, 47 pp., ISBN 0 6211 7590 0
Effects on Ernpfoyrnent of the Liberalisation of the Telecommunications Sector, BIPE Conseil, IFO Institute (Munich) and LENTIC Institute (Liège), Brussels, European Commission (DG V and DG XIII), 1997, 280 pp., no ISBN available
Technikfolgenabschätzung und Technikgestaltung in der Telekommunikation, Franz Büllingen (Ed.), Bad Honnef, Wissenschofiliches Institut für Kommunikationsdienste (WIK), 1996, 360 pp., ISSN 1431-066X
The Urban Research Program: 1966–1996, Patrick Troy, Canberra, Urban Research Program, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, 1997, 78 pp., ISBN 0 7315 2812 3
Multimedia—Potentials and Challenges from an Economic Perspective, Dieter Elixmann & Peter Kürble (Eds), Bad Honnef, Wissenschaftliches Institut für Kommunikationsdienste (WIK), 1996, 260 pp., ISSN 1431-066X
Rural and All: Report of the Working Party Investigating the Developmenr of Online Infrastructure and Services Development in Regional and Rural Australia, Information Policy Advisory Council, Canberra, Commonwealth Department of Communications and the Arts, 1997, iii + 94 pp., ISBN 0 6422 7156 9
International Telecommunications Reform in Australia, Industry Commission, Canberra, Industry Commission, 1997, xii + 90 pp., ISBN 0 6443 8221 X
Telecommunications Economics and Policy Issues, Industry Commission, Canberra, Industry Commission, 1997, xx + 179pp., ISBN 0 6443 9784 5
Australian Telecommunications Regulation: The Conmmunications Law Centre Guide, Communications Law Centre, Sydney, University of New South Wales, Communications Law Centre, 1997, iii + 144 pp., AU$45.00, ISBN 0 7334 1554 7
Rural Australia OnLine, Roger Buckeridge, Canberra, Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, 1996, vi + 58 pp., AU$20.00, ISBN 0 6422 0519 0
Brilliant Careers: Women Collectors and Illustrators in Queensland, Compiled by Judith McKay, Brisbane, Queensland Museum, 1997, vii + 80 pp., AU$19.95, ISBN 0 7242 7693 9
An Automation Policy for Australia: Advanced Technology at Work for the Nation, Australian Robot Association, Sydney, Australian Robot Association, 1995, v + 35 pp., AU$20.00, ISBN 0 6463 2509 5
Regulatory Implications of Telecommunications Convergence, David N. Townsend, Geneva, International Telecommunication Union, 1997, iii + 73 pp., ISBN 9 2610 6441 8