Inflection Point: Setting the Course for the Future of Scholarly Communication

May 29–31, 2024 | Westin Boston Seaport District | Boston, MA USA

Huge growth in proposals and publications, a greater focus on researchers as both author and reader, evolving open access publishing models, and the urgent need for equity and inclusion are disrupting traditional publishing infrastructure and processes.  In addition, the explosive capabilities of artificial intelligence will likely disrupt every facet of scholarly communication, but represent both opportunities and threats.  We are at an inflection point—our decisions will determine both the value we deliver as an industry, as well as the values we reflect as a community. 

As always, the SSP community continues to focus on bringing together academics, funders, librarians, publishers, service providers, technologists, researchers and countless others with a communal interest and stake in disseminating scholarly information. We look to the 46th Annual Meeting as an opportunity to continue this tradition and welcome all colleagues and community stakeholders. 

Our aim is to present an in-person meeting in Boston with a virtual attendance option that includes a mix of live and on-demand content.  That said, the health and safety of our attendees is a prime concern, and we will monitor and be ready to modify plans as needed. Registration will open in February. 

All individual members and staff of organizational members will receive the member discount to attend the Annual Meeting.

Early Bird Rate Deadline: April 19!





Meeting Highlights

Educational Sessions
Thirty educational sessions over 2 days led by top industry experts complementing four plenary sessions that are the heart of the SSP Annual Meeting. 

Attendees will enjoy ample opportunities for meeting colleagues and sharing ideas at evening receptions, interactive lunches, facilitated networking sessions, and other events.

Poster Sessions
Posters will be available for viewing throughout the meeting. During the Poster Session, you can chat with presenters as you browse the various posters in the Exhibitors Marketplace.  

Industry Breakout Sessions

Industry thought-leaders share advice, case studies, expertise and the latest market solutions in these 30-minute sessions starting at noon on Wednesday.  

Exhibitors Marketplace 
Meet with exhibitors and sponsors and see what new innovations are being offered by industry service providers. The Marketplace is accessible throughout the duration of the meeting, but exhibitors will be available during breaks and nightly receptions. 

Previews Session
This "lightning round" plenary offers the chance to learn more about the latest innovations from across our community, including products, platforms, and content, in 5-minute, back to back presentations. Attendees will leave with exposure to a wide breadth of content on new and updated products of interest to the scholarly publishing community.

Virtual Attendance Option
All keynotes, plenary sessions, and selected educational sessions (one per timeslot) will be streamed live. All sessions will be recorded and available on-demand. Participants can chat in real time with other virtual attendees via the virtual meeting platform and several additional online networking opportunities will also be available for virtual attendees. 

Keynote Address | Wednesday, May 29

"Publishers in the Age of Mistrust"

Deborah Blum

Director of the Knight Science Journalism program at MIT, Pulitzer-Prize winning science journalist, columnist, and author

Deborah Blum, director of the Knight Science Journalism program at MIT, is a Pulitzer-Prize winning science journalist, columnist, and author of six books, most recently, The Poison Squad, a 2018 New York Times Notable Book, and the subject of a 2020 PBS documentary. She is co-editor of the 2022 book, A Tactical Guide to Science Journalism, published by Oxford University Press.

Blum won the Pulitzer in 1992 for a series on primate research that became her first book, The Monkey Wars.  She has since focused on key moments in the history of science with books including Love at Goon Park (2002), Ghost Hunters (2006), and a New York Times bestseller, The Poisoner’s Handbook (2010). She has worked as a science columnist for The New York Times, a blogger for Wired, and has written for publications ranging from The Wall Street Journal to Mother Jones. She was the Helen Firstbrook Franklin professor of journalism at the University of Wisconsin-Madison for 15 years before being selected as the fourth director of the Knight Science Journalism Program in 2015. Shortly later, she launched the online science magazine, Undark, which now numbers a readership in the millions and has won numerous national awards, including the George K. Polk Award.

Blum is a former president of the National Association of Science Writers, was a member of the governing board of the World Federation of Science Writers, and currently serves on the board of the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing.  She is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and a lifetime associate of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in recognition of her work in science communication.

Plenary Session: Moderated Discussion | Thursday, May 30

Moderated Discussion: The Rise of the Machines


Andromeda Yelton, Lead Software Engineer, ITHAKA


Dr. Chhavi Chauhan, Director of Scientific Outreach, American Society for Investigative Pathology 

Dave Flanagan, Senior Director, Generative AI Product Strategy, Wiley 

Xiao-Li Meng, Editor-in-Chief of the Harvard Data Science Review

Andromeda Yelton, Lead Software Engineer, ITHAKA 
Dr. Chhavi Chauhan, Director of Scientific Outreach, American Society for Investigative Pathology 
Dave Flanagan, Senior Director, Generative AI Product Strategy, Wiley 
Xiao-Li Meng, Editor-in-Chief of the Harvard Data Science Review 

Closing Plenary | Friday, May 31

Oxford Style-Debate: Has the Open Access Movement Failed?

Moderated by Dr. Penelope A. Lewis, Chief Publishing Officer at AIP Publishing, this session will see two teams debating the resolution “The OA Movement has Failed,” with the winner based on audience votes before and after the debate. Mike Taylor, Software Engineer at Index Data and part-time Dinosaur paleontologist will argue for the resolution. Jessica Polka, Open Science Program Director at the Astera Institute will argue against the resolution.  Don’t miss this exciting final session for the conference where your participation will decide the outcome!

  • 979 registrants
  • 0 days remaining until event

capacity: 1,000 in-person

Exhibit and Sponsorship Opportunities

Partner with SSP and put your organization on display at the SSP Annual Meeting. This dynamic event will provide exhibitors and sponsors with opportunities to present sessions, network with attendees, build brand awareness and more! All opportunities are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Exhibitors and sponsors can make valuable contacts though our targeted audience.