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Vladimir Dimitrov

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    Born 1953 in Sofia, Bulgaria; 1977 Diploma in synthetic organic chemistry at the Technical

    University Leuna-Merseburg, Germany (now Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg);

    1981 Doctoral degree (Dr. rer. nat.) at the Technical University Leuna-Merseburg with

    K.-H. Thiele; 1982-88 Independent research at the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the

    Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, since 1985 group and project leader; 1989-90 Fellow of

    the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung

    Mülheim/Ruhr with H. Lehmkuhl; 1991-98 Group leader at the Institute of Organic

    Chemistry of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (since 1997 Associate Professor);

    1999-2001 Senior research fellow at the Institute of Organic Chemistry, University of Zürich

    with M. Hesse; 2001-2004 Associate Professor at the Institute of Organic Chemistry of

    the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Dr.sc.nat. (2002); Since 2003 Deputy Director of

    the Institute; Since november 2004 Professor at the Institute;

    Member of European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS),

    Division of Organometallic Chemistry; Member of the American Chemical Society;

    President of the non-profit non-governmental legal entity "Bulgarian Society for Organic

    and Organometallic Chemistry" founded in March 2004 with the purpose of dissemination

    of scientific information, support of young scientists and organization of conferences;

    Since 2005 head of Laboratory of Organic Synthesis and Stereochemistry at the institute.


    Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

    Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry

    Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

    Laboratory „Organic Synthesis and Stereochemistry“

    Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

    Laboratory „Organic Synthesis and Stereochemistry“

    Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

    Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry

    University of Zürich

    Institute of Organic Chemistry

    Max- Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung

    Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung


    Technishe Hochschule Leuna-Merseburg

    Technische Hochschule Leuna-Merseburg, Chemie