BMJ Open Science

BMJ Open Science is a new, open access journal publishing preclinical and basic research that is closely aligned to medicine. BMJ Open Science considers all study types that describe or are relevant to preclinical research from study protocols through to original research articles, data descriptor articles and systematic reviews.

Collection details

BMJ Open Science



Aims and Scope








BMJ Open Science is an open access, peer-reviewed journal publishing preclinical and basic research that is close to medicine. Our mission is to improve the transparency, integrity, and reproducibility of biomedical research closely aligned to medicine. The scope is broad and covers the whole spectrum of preclinical and translational biomedical research.

We consider all study types that describe or are relevant to preclinical research from study protocols through to original research articles, data descriptor articles and systematic reviews. Our editorial policies and partnership initiatives with community projects aim to help the methods, data and results that are published in BMJ Open Science be reproducible. Editors and reviewers will assess manuscripts against scientific and ethical criteria only and will not judge novelty or predict impact.




Editorial Board

For information about the BMJ Open Science Editor-in-Chief Dr Emily Sena and her editorial team, please refer to the Editorial Board page



Contact information

For all contact information please refer to the contact us page



For authors

Please refer to the instructions for authors



For reviewers

Please refer to the instructions for reviewers



Rights and permissions

All articles will be published under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC BY). This means articles can be reproduced and distributed freely however work must be cited. Authors remain the copyright holders of their articles.

Copyright and Permissions Guidelines




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Surina Ivanov

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Emily S Sena

  • Record: found
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Laura Buchan

Collection Information