The COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage the world, with Nigeria and Borno in particular being highly affected. A vaccine provides the best hope for a permanent solution to controlling the pandemic. However, to be effective, a vaccine must be accepted and used by the healthcare workers as significant individual in the community. The objectives of this study were to assess the knowledge, attitude, anduptake of COVID-19 vaccines among healthcare workers in University of Maiduguri, teaching Hospital. Data was collected from 260 healthcare workers who were sampled using stratified sampling technique with a self-developed questionnaire. The collected data was analysed using SPSS Version 20.0 and presented in tables and charts. The result revealed a good knowledge of COVID-19 Vaccine among respondents (58.8%) with a positive attitude towards COVID-19 Vaccination (51.9%). However, uptake was low (47.69%) which was greatly affected by fear of side effects, fear of unknown and shortage of the vaccine. In conclusion, similar study can be conducted with a large sample to generalize the findings; and the same study can be conducted in different setting.