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      Have You Met Your METs? – Enhancing Patient Motivation to Achieve Physical Activity Targets in Cardiac Tele-rehabilitation

      1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 1
      Proceedings of the 32nd International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI)
      Human Computer Interaction Conference
      4 - 6 July 2018
      Patient-centred computing, Self-management, Patient Motivation, Secondary Prevention, Tele-rehabilitation, Intelligibility, Self-awareness


            Physical exercise is a primary component of cardiac rehabilitation. Interpreting exercise targets and being aware of the expected effort while rehabilitating independently at home is challenging for patients. Our work aims to assist cardiac patients in understanding their condition better and motivating them to achieve their exercise targets in a tele-rehabilitation setting. We introduce a patient-centric intelligible visualization approach to present prescribed rehabilitation targets to patients based on Metabolic Equivalent of Tasks (METs). We assessed efficacy of intelligible visualizations on patients’ comprehension in a lab study. We evaluated the impact on patient motivation and health outcomes in field studies. Patients were able to manage their prescribed activities, monitor their progress, and gained understanding on how their physical activities contribute to their rehabilitation targets. Patients confirmed that the intelligible visualizations motivated them to achieve their targets better. We observed an improvement in overall physical activity levels and health outcomes of patients.


            Author and article information

            July 2018
            July 2018
            : 1-12
            [1 ] Hasselt University-tUL-Expertise Center for Digital Media

            Diepenbeek, Belgium
            [2 ] Hasselt University-tUL- Flanders Make

            Expertise Center for Digital Media

            Diepenbeek, Belgium
            [3 ] Hasselt University- REVAL-BIOMED

            Heart Center, Hasselt, Belgium
            [4 ] Hasselt University- Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences; Department of Cardiology, Jessa Hospital, Hasselt, Belgium
            © Sankaran et al. Published by BCS Learning and Development Ltd. Proceedings of British HCI 2018. Belfast, UK.

            This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

            Proceedings of the 32nd International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference
            Belfast, UK
            4 - 6 July 2018
            Electronic Workshops in Computing (eWiC)
            Human Computer Interaction Conference

            1477-9358 BCS Learning & Development

            Self URI (article page): https://www.scienceopen.com/hosted-document?doi=10.14236/ewic/HCI2018.48
            Self URI (journal page): https://ewic.bcs.org/
            Electronic Workshops in Computing

            Applied computer science,Computer science,Security & Cryptology,Graphics & Multimedia design,General computer science,Human-computer-interaction
            Patient-centred computing,Patient Motivation,Intelligibility,Secondary Prevention,Tele-rehabilitation,Self-awareness,Self-management


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